Discussion in 'Player Guides, Tips and Tricks' started by theaustin1one, Jan 20, 2017.


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  1. Hello EMC!

    Today, I bring you my first (and probably only) guide!

    This is about RTS signs, since I think they are very hard to learn how to do properly, due to the fact that the in-game /help and the wiki do not adequately explain them. I, myself, had difficulty learning for the first time how to use these devices.

    Therefore, I am writing this guide!

    -RTS Signs - what are they?

    RTS signs are used to teleport a player around a residence. Signs can be placed and used in a variety of ways to move a player to any location on said residence.

    -Why is this important?

    RTS signs are very popular for shops. 99% of shops will use RTS signs.

    -How do I use them?

    See below!


    The first step is standing where you want the destination to be. For example, the entrance to your wood section of your shop.

    Then, type /res tpsign

    and this message will appear-

    This means that your destination has been set.

    The next step is to place the actual teleport sign, in the location you want them to click it. For example, the front of your shop.

    All you have to do is place the sign and type-

    And the sign will autofill with the destination data, like so-

    Then you're done! These signs can be activated by stepping on the block on top, a pressure plate, or, the most used, a button.

    Hope this guide helped anyone needing assistance with RTS signs!
  2. Another way to use RTS signs is with /res locs. These can be added with /res loc add (name).

    To use a res loc to TP around, put a sign with "teleport" on the first line. Then, put the res number, followed by @(name of res loc) like so-

    This will TP you to the loc named "house," just like the command /v 11567 house.

    Hoped this helped!
    Equinox_Boss and ShelLuser like this.
  3. As much as I hate to admit this (honest!) I have to agree with you here. I mean... the wiki doesn't mention straight away that you need to put 'teleport' onto the first line. In this particular section it's only mentioned near the bottom, quite literally.

    If it were up to me I'd be doing a major rehaul of that page to be very honest. It's plain out confusing, and not just for the RTS section. If you follow this link do you know how to make a server sign? I think not :p

    Thanks for sharing Carbonyx!

    I have some ideas to send to the contribs, and well, I'll PM you :p
    (tomorrow, right now I need sleep!)
    Equinox_Boss and Carbonyx like this.
  4. Thanks for the feedback :D
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  5. Great guide! Also! It is important to know that when you do /res tpsign, the way you are looking will be stored! Is something important to keep in mind
    Carbonyx likes this.
  6. Oooh, I forgot about this! Thanks :D and thanks for the feedback!
    Tuqueque likes this.
  7. Good guide :)

    In terms of the Wiki, I changed up the relevant section to hopefully make it more clear (although much of what you wrote was already there). If anyone sees anything they think can be improved I would love it if you could let the Contribution Team know (as Shel said he would up there^) :)
    UltiPig and ShelLuser like this.
  8. Thanks for the feedback!