Supposed Idea: Yearbook

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by EnderMagic1, Dec 17, 2016.



+1 22 vote(s) 84.6%
-1 4 vote(s) 15.4%
  1. Do you remember all of the fresh, fun moments from this year? Probably not. It's okay, our human brains forget stuff from time to time. ;) I have an idea to create a yearbook with all the events for the year. Obviously not this year, but the project will start at New Years for 2017.. So, I need a team! :D (Note: This is not the official thread because I don't have a graphic yet. xD) I would want this team to be composed of many people as I can get.
    You don't have to be an artist to join this team... I have 2 supposed roles:
    Screenshooter: Someone who plays EMC a lot and attends many of the server-events.
    • Sub-Role | ChatSnapper: See any funny moments? Someone who constantly takes pics of funny texts
    Designer: Any artist who is willing to help! :D
    If you are interested - signup here.. :) NOTE: I am not suggesting for an 'official team.' This is just for us, members. =)
    There's just one problem - I don't know how to create a yearbook online, so if someone knows a free website..
    If you say -1 in the poll, please explain your response.
  2. Hm, interesting.
    If you want forum stuff too, I could help, perhaps. I don't play in-game enough to be of help there, though. :)
    Equinox_Boss, EnderSkele and Kytula like this.
  3. I would be more than happy to send you pictures of funny chat moments! :) I normally take pictures but I never bother to sort through or upload any
    Equinox_Boss, EnderSkele and 607 like this.
  4. bump. I'm surprised some people don't like this idea :/
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  5. I'd like to hear this reasoning.
    To me, I think sometimes too many moments are tried to be shared with all. Some, in my opinion, are best to be kept in memory of only the people who were there when it was present.
    UltiPig and Equinox_Boss like this.
  6. I like this idea :) Sometimes Baradar bullies me so yea chat moments Just Kiddin Bara

    Hmm I could only go to Sat Mob Arena.. So not screenshotter for me, but I can do some :)
  7. I love this idea :eek:
    Endy you've done it again wit dem good suggestions!
    I sometimes take screenshots but mostly smp3 heh
    Equinox_Boss and EnderSkele like this.
  8. Brilliant idea really. I think the screenshots could be best obtained by having one or two in charge but they could simply chase members who had attended events they couldnt make. Events often have shots uploaded to their forum threads.

    Knowing this exists i may be more diligent in taking pix at events.
    Equinox_Boss and EnderSkele like this.
  9. Hello everyone! I will be hosting a momentus-hunting event in a few hours. This will be on smp3 at 6pm (emc time). When joining the main group, I will warn you - the difficulty will be set to level 10. Bring lots of armor and gapples, with a positive attitude! :D See you all there.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  10. bump. This will start soon. Sign up now!
  11. I bully you? The pain you cause me by mentioning the rugby everytime! Woe is me :(
    EnderSkele likes this.
  12. Just noticed this:
    How do you picture it working? Lay-out and such? Should everyone be able to add something or should one or multiple admins do that job?
  13. I wanted it to be a complex thing/website where players can click and turn the 'pages.' But, I don't think anything like that exists. Maybe I can make a super long image full of photos and text lol. It would be like 299X10000. Some of my ideas, what do you suggest? For editing, only the editors on the team would edit the final project. The screen shooters would just send images because they don't want to show their art skills. :p
    607 likes this.
  14. And why are more people saying -1.. If you answer the poll, please respond below- so I can review any issues..
  15. I took the poll and i'm gonna run with it.....:D

    Put down +1, Would be nice to have a single thread with the best of what happened in 2016.
  16. 2017, probably, because it'd be much more efficient to keep track of stuff with this in mind as they happen then to search for interesting events in retrospect.
    MajorHaze likes this.