[EVENT] Tree Choppers

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by IceQueenDawn, Aug 31, 2015.

  1. Voting is more important than trees!
    Also the appointment was last-minute.
    607 and Will_McNab like this.
    Will_McNab and nltimv like this.
  3. Trees <3
    LittleRobotSeffy likes this.
  4. Most people Have Thanksgiving Break though!
  5. Exactly. I can chop trees aaaall night. :3
  6. might actually be on time again for this :D since i'm waking up early xD
  7. Seffina FTW!!
  8. Something came up and I have to make a bunch of phone calls. (its a nice thing but I got busy IRL) So No Treechop for 12/06/2016
    Will_McNab likes this.
  9. Ugh Seffina :(
  10. aw... I was actually going to make this one :(
  11. Sorry :(
  12. And what's up with the Event Calendar? The image is Miner Mania, but the description says TTC, with location in the wild. Is Choppers being held out there now instead of Utopia?
  13. No. Sometimes the Calendar is off.
    This thread has the info.
  14. I would love to make this, and I am going to try! Seffy I always enjoy seeing you and talking about my little piggie! However, I work a long shift today. But I will at least try and stop by for about an hour if I can. Thank you for hosting this and I adore it. The res that it is on is absolutely stunning :D

    Peace, <3, Kindness.

    607 and LittleRobotSeffy like this.
  15. Waiting for Seffina already!
  16. Finally! Huge Spruce Trees!!
    LittleRobotSeffy likes this.
  17. Merry Holiday Edition.
  18. I think I'll finally be able to make it there again. =D No school this week. :D

    LittleRobotSeffy likes this.
  19. I'll be there quite a lot of the time, I took the day off to spend with EMC.