How well known is the user above you? [Forum Game]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Ritunn, Aug 26, 2016.

  1. 3/10 haven't seen u in a while
    Lol I'm only known for promos lol?
    OmarWrongChat and HannahEB like this.
  2. You're new here, but it's already time to visit +mm and 12221 on smp6 :)
  3. Seen you around a bit over the last few years. 6/10.
  4. I would say very well known. Se them all the time. Probably a 7 on how much I see them.
    607 likes this.
  5. Probably an 8 ^^ I've seen Melk since I've been here, Im pretty sure. But I dont remember seeing them posting much until recently
    607 likes this.
  6. Ah, Alice, I was hoping for you to show up!
    Alice was my second friend on EMC ever and I always really enjoyed interacting with her. Nowadays she isn't really active on EMC anymore, but I still send her a message on Hangouts every now and then. I've had lots of fun with this girl, and I'm still hoping to get a chance to meet her in real life one day. :)
    AliceTheFox and Dufne like this.
  7. Ah the ducky with the name of numbers that likes to break our residence system....
    Pretty sure everyone knows who you are by now if they've gone on the forums at all.
  8. Hi Kryssy! 9/10, who doesn't know you!?
    ANubIsWe3 likes this.
  9. Wouldn't that make her a 10/10? :p

    Also 7/10.
    ANubIsWe3 likes this.
  10. 0/10
    I'm not very involved in the commnunity
  11. 10/10 now you are :p
  12. No, as it's about how well known the user is to you (well, Evesthery in this case).
    And even if Krysyy is very well-known, Evesthery might not have had very much personal interaction with her herself.
  13. Hey 607 ! 6.07/10 :D
    Lil_Emo_Cat, Kytula and 607 like this.
  14. Hmm I don't believe I have ever seen you on forums or in-game, so 1/10 :p
  15. aw i didn't get a rating ._.
    haven't ever seen you but apparently you're a mod look at dat XD 3/10
    607 likes this.
  16. If I'd never spoken to her, I'd put her at a 6 or 7. I'm helping to plan her in-game wedding, so I have interacted with her quite a bit, but we're not best friends or anything. Also, 8ish/10, ESSLEM.
    607 likes this.
  17. Yup, indeed!
    Also, next person should rate ESSELEM :)
  18. ESSELEM buddy old pal, greatest on the friends list for me on EMC 10/10
    ESSELEM likes this.
  19. I dont know you. lol 1
  20. who dis new phone?