How well known is the user above you? [Forum Game]

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Ritunn, Aug 26, 2016.

  1. Sachrock, first one to congratulate my iron. Whats up. 8/10
    Sachrock likes this.
  2. Never seen you..
  3. 2/10 for Theomglover only know you from a few forum posts and post to my timeline, never interacted in game
    Theomglover likes this.
  4. I have seen you in game some times and sometimes on forums so 5/10

    ( people might know me as Lil_Spartan_Cat )
    Mob_Meal likes this.
  5. Not really noticed you.. 3/10
  6. seen you alot around the forums ur a popular skelly doggo 7/10
  7. Guill: I've seen you post a lot but can't recall every talking to you. 5.2/10.
    Guill likes this.
  8. 607: did I do you before? Dunno, maybe, maybe not. lol. Either way; though I've only met you a few times ingame, I see you on the forums /a lot/, and through that I've got to know you reasonably well. 8-9/10. :)
    607 likes this.
  9. 9/10 see you online and on the forums a lot
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  10. 9/10, you buy all my promos lol
    Vortixin likes this.
  11. You have brought some of my promos :) 7/10

    Edit: Ninjad by Hannah ;-;, Hi Hannah! I see around lots of times :) 8/10
    HannahEB and Vortixin like this.
  12. I have talked to before and i kinda know you :) 7/10
    OmarWrongChat and Theomglover like this.
  13. 8/10 spoke to you a couple of time, bought stuff off you. Mainly know you through fBuilderS, like most people lel.
    Sachrock likes this.
  14. 4/10. I see you sometimes on the forums and sometimes in game, but not often.
    HannahEB likes this.
  15. I see you on the forums from time to time. I'm not personally familiar with you though. 4/10
  16. i have no idea who you are 1/10 not popular doggo
  17. same
    OmarWrongChat likes this.
  18. 9.5/10 I've talked to you (Q) on mumble many times before and have interacted in-game with you. I've also known you for a long-ish time.
    Kytula and Qkazooo like this.
  19. Who doesnt know the awesomeness that is omar!
    8/10 cuz I still need to get on mumble one day to talk to you and my other Emc besties ^_^
    OmarWrongChat likes this.
  20. 2/10 See you sometimes.
    Kytula likes this.