[Thread of threads to be thread] is Eternal. It will never die.

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Uber_Corq, Aug 17, 2016.


How good is this thread?

Best 53 vote(s) 39.0%
Better 13 vote(s) 9.6%
Good 10 vote(s) 7.4%
Okay 8 vote(s) 5.9%
Bad 4 vote(s) 2.9%
Worse 4 vote(s) 2.9%
Worst 17 vote(s) 12.5%
It is the best of threads, it is the worst of threads 27 vote(s) 19.9%
  1. Oh yeah, we forgot to mention the details of the event :p

    When: Oct 31, 2099 at 8:00pm EMC time
    Where: SMP59 (we should have that many server by then :D)
    What: Admiring the wonderful scale replica of New York by Uber_Corq
  2. Agreed.
    Equinox_Boss and Uber_Corq like this.
  3. I like how tim is optimistic about the increase in active players on EMC in the coming decennia.
    Equinox_Boss, Uber_Corq and nltimv like this.
  4. I like how there are now 59 different smp's on EMC in the year 2099 but we'll still be waiting for the Dragon Tombs update.
  5. I love how I always seem to get Ninja'd on this most interesting topics post.
  6. I like how Tower constantly gets ninja'd :rolleyes:

    Thread is a solid 5/7
  7. i like fendys negativity because this is really a solid 100/7
    Equinox_Boss and Uber_Corq like this.
  8. This is the greatest thread to ever be posted on EMC.

    I think I might bookmark this.
  9. I like how this post has made me see the light,
    You're totally right,
    100/7 is the correct rating,
    On such an amazing thread I can't be hating!
  10. I like how it took FDNY so much time to rhyme that he got ninja'd too, um... lime?
  11. I like how I'm constantly thinking about what "interesting content" I'll write next while reading this thread. :p
    Equinox_Boss, Uber_Corq and 607 like this.
  12. I like how it was actually really quick rhyming and I wasn't ninja'd at all, I was just replying to Alli instead of Hash because Hash didn't say he liked anything :rolleyes: Sorry Hash, I know you like dolphins...
    I like content
  13. I like trains
    Equinox_Boss and Uber_Corq like this.
  14. Trains, Planes, and Automobiles.

    Edit: finally didn't get Ninja'd on this thready of posts.
  15. 125,200r
    Equinox_Boss and Uber_Corq like this.
  16. I like how AncientTower hasn't given up on this thread! Perseverance can yield success!
  17. I like how he actually did kind of get ninja'd by me. :p
    Equinox_Boss and Uber_Corq like this.
  18. +607, I really like this suggestion
    Equinox_Boss, 607 and Uber_Corq like this.
  19. i like how he thought he could agree with the suggestion, but i will now write a 6 paragraph essay on how he is wrong.
  20. I like how nltimv thinks NYC will still exist post-apocalypse.

    I like how Fedny thinks the thread is a 5/7 but rated it 6/7 in the poll.

    I like how well this thread is doing within the ninja community.

    I like how John Candy made it in there somehow.



    What I don't like is how the staff still have yet to establish the outpost.

    I don't like how the bids are getting bigger despite this being a reverse auction. (duh)

    I don't like how the staff are still announcing events and updates in their own threads instead of just using this one,

    And I don't like the insinuation that there's anything wrong with the original suggestion, ESSELEM. It would be perfect for EMC, I'm tellin' ya!
    Equinox_Boss, MajorHaze, 607 and 4 others like this.