smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. If you ask me, if someone looks in your house, take it as a compliment! :)
  2. Gimme a project for a morning, or i will continue destoroying mother nature :D

    im too tired to fix anthing :D
  3. Build some pre-built houses in the village. I mean to do that later, but if I could get someone to start it up, that would be great.
  4. That's why I said "We have our own way of getting to it."

    Voted No, My stance is still the same on this:

    I'm gonna be one UNhappy camper if this goes through. :/
  5. Same
  6. Just make sure to leave a cake or two.
  7. Could I have the cords I'd like to join to.
  8. we should put defences in it and tell grievers not to destroy it...the houses will be kinda a refuge for badly harmed players from monsters and damage
  9. 1. You can put up as many signs as you want saying "Please don't grief" and they will not only grief the house but take the signs as well.
    An example would be the bridge Havock built across the wasteland that now looks odd.
    2. Griefer traps are PVP.
  10. Is anyone on the live map?
  11. Since I'm always falling in holes, I gave the steps near the welcome center a railing. Wanted to make sure nobody else falls in like I do.
  12. oh
  13. Hmm I'm thinking the majority is going to be no to the major highway to the community.
  14. lol,one question,how do you become an active or wel known member on emc?
  15. oh and visit my res on smp6~12498
  16. Post a lot and be active.
  17. oh cause now, im always on emc posting because i cant PLAY that much, how do you become a well known member?
  18. I sent you the instructions. Welcome!
  19. There is already a secret rail line that goes between the outpost and protected spawn. Also smp7 Wilderness Highway will NOT go to the Last Light Outpost.
  20. Eclipsys finished the epic guesthouse at the spot of the first ugly post I made when I found the area.
    And it looks great. :D
    Together with the travel center we now have a decent place to introduce new people, organize tours and other events or welcome visitors.