smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. Great idea. I just updated the "Future ideas" page and included your suggestion.
  2. There are also still some rather dark rooftops around. Creepers seem to spawn there and jump down when you walk by. And boom. So we should all really light up our roofs. If anyone needs torches they will be provided.
  3. Damn suicidal Creepers, jumping of the roof
    and all :<
  4. Just to clarify, mobs spawn in light levels of 7 or less.
  5. Yeah i could return to my policeman status i held in other colonies!
  6. Your first case is will be called, "The Dilemmna of the Cake Griefer"
  7. Yes indeed curundu xD! Anyway i ws more of a guard, i ran around the old wild community i was once in and shot arrows at ALL the mobs.
  8. well ok here is my info for my running supplies
    1. it has to be able to be used by everyone
    2. it can't cost over 10K out of my pocket
    i will make another run on friday
  9. I don't know if you brought some last time, but it might be nice to have a stack or two of glowstone.

    I have enough for myself right now, but it might be nice to share out some to the community to make glowstone lamps and stuff.
  10. When I get back to playing, I could start running items to give oid a break at times.
  11. That seems like a really bad idea....
    Greifing for sport is 1 thing, but when it comes to profit like glowstone, I'm not sure they could resist....
  12. Hmm...
    Idea time! We could have someone watching the live map at all times to at least somewhat deter griefing, or catch those who do.
  13. I could not disagree more! If we are always acting in fear of griefers they have already won. We should act as if everyone on EMC will follow the rules. Those who don't will not be tolerated, of course.

    We should not have to "lock" the wild to feel safe in it either.
  14. +1

    And torches are so ugly!
  15. If anyone needs a place to stay while working on their project, I got a a floor in my tower available. Whoever gets it can build whatever they want in there(make it homey?) as long as they dont touch walls/floors/roof/ladders :)

    btw "my tower" is the big netherbrick one on the tiny island, south in the community :)

    Edit: its the second biggest room in the tower :)

  16. Well I'm sorta a natural born cheapskate, so the first place my mind goes is: torches = more moneys for construction projects :D

    I'll spend money, but I generally spend the least I can to get more :p
  17. Who made this? ITS WONDERFUL
  18. Cake griefer? :confused: What happened while I was away?

    As for the glowstone yes there is profit but remember. if you break it it breaks into dust but the dust isn't always in 4's. So if you have 20 glowstone and they all break into 2's you get less than that.
  19. Everyone who posts in this forum?

    What exactly do you mean?
  20. Hey can I join? I've been wanting to join a outpost since the last one I was in 4 members were permanantly banned for x-ray. Btw I wasn't involved. I don't even know how to install mods :)