smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. I updated the first post here to link to the site. It was getting way to huge and hard to update.
  2. Woooo thanks zulu
  3. Lol Yes, I added you last night when I posted the lighthouse and logo picture on the front page.
  4. I like to be on inactive list - i can play week, then i need to wait another week until i can comeback
  5. Sure. I will make the change now. Wish you luck with your non-EMC stuff and look forward to seeing you back then.
  6. Want to show off your project on our new site? Think it is ugly and want to make it better?
    Apply here to get access:

    I hope this is ok. I need an email address to give permissions for the site. I do not share the data with anyone (except google of course). I will delete the form submissions as soon as I set the permissions for the site. I will not put ads on the site myself, not sure if google will at some point.
  7. I think we should have a court system to allow for internal crimes to be punishd
  8. well, its mostly due to internets - prepaid :D
  9. :confused: Wha?
  10. I don't think we want a full government. We are all just neighbors. I am sure we can sort out differences without a formal court or such things.
  11. Ok just a fun suggestion
  12. Having some awesome looking courthouse building around where people can meet to debate would be nice tho. Just my opinion. Or maybe more like a city hall than a courthouse.
    What do you all think?
  13. THat would work. Where's a nice place to put it?
  14. We could make the capital, with a city hall, and a church, and a library, and all that jazz. We could put it sort of at the edge of town, where we border the jungle.
  15. Yeah. I will look at the map and try to mark some areas that might work. As always any ideas welcome and at the end we will have a vote about it :)
  16. The site is looking great! Sorry for my very out-of-date question about the FAQ. So much happening in the last few days I missed it all.

    I'll suggest a future project on he site for building a working theatre (live theatre not film theatre). I've seen some great plans with lots of redstone controlling lighting and things.
  17. There do seem to be a lot of unexplained creepers. But often I find when checking that there may be a block with low light.

    In cvase anyone doesn't know there are three numbers in the debugging display (F3) which show light level of the block you are standing on (bl, sl and rl). bl will tell you the light level of the block at night. I sometimes find some 6s or 7s in areas i think are well lit.