UHC - Sundays, 3:30PM EMC Time/7:30PM GMT

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by RainbowChin, Nov 21, 2015.

  1. I'm never coming to uhc again
    I too busy at 4
  2. It's still standing.

    ......I think.
    Dr_Chocolate likes this.
  3. It is.. It's just messy

    Can we have chin save the map :p
    Sgt_Pepper4 and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  4. Just a little bumpy reminder for tonight ;p
    And yes, totals for last month will come soon after, I'd honestly blanked and thought that I'd posted them
    gg me
    Qkazooo and BenMA like this.
  5. Hmm 4pm today... I have been telling myself to go to these things... I shall do that today... but first- I shall eat my grilled cheese! Then kill some fellow Empirians. Yea!
  6. Can you make the server support all versions of 1.9? I don't want to use 1.9.4
    ChickenDice and Uber_Corq like this.
  7. I have indeed come across a plugin that might help with this.
    Will look at implementing, might be next week.
    Qkazooo and Dr_Chocolate like this.
  8. Server is open for anyone still wanting to join last second
  9. I'll have to once again apologize for the cancelling of today's UHC, but I'll hope you'll understand I only ever do so as a least resort once everything else fails :(
    But, you can be assured I'm working on a full replacement for UHC come next Sunday. and I'll hope you will all like it.
    Qkazooo likes this.
  10. Better late than never...
    Presenting the total kills achieved for the Month of May.
    Our overall lead, and winner with a total of 12 kills, is


    PeculiarPotato - 11
    Sachrock - 9
    HxCami10 - 5
    padde73 - 5
    DrMadFate - 3
    Zrugite - 3
    Falmer - 3
    poofasaurus - 2
    Mr_Poof_ - 2
    FrenchMenace - 1
    Qkazoochan - 1

    Here's to the next month of UHC :D
    ShelLuser, Qkazooo, ThaKloned and 3 others like this.

  11. Always pullin in clutch with that 1 kill every month
  12. the sad thing is I got most of the kills in one game ...
  13. Just a reminder for tonight's UHC :)
    Hopefully more luck will be had this time.
    BenMA, Dr_Chocolate and Sachrock like this.
  14. skeletons are assholes thats all i have to say :confused:
  15. Not when you have shields :p
  16. How do you craft one again?
  17. Depends if you'll team with me.
  18. Got my 1 kill of the month
    PeculiarPotato likes this.