Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2016 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2016.

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  1. Lol

    No way
  2. May I just say.. Jadz.. You're so incredibly beautiful. ;o;

    You look about 17 :3
    I often get mistaken for a 12 year old because I'm shorter than most of my close friends. Hmmph. TT_TT

    So very odd, but amusing.. xD
    0hJadzia likes this.
  3. How tall are you?

    Asking for a friend. She's 5'1 and me and all of her friends joke about it. I don't want her to feel lonely lol.

    Edit: No seriously, I'm asking for a friend. I'm 6'0. I don't need any more height lol
    We3_Nub, 607 and Fexu like this.
  4. I am also 5'1.. She knows my pain TT~TT
    We3_Nub, 607 and SoulPunisher like this.
  5. Everyone is talking about how their age is mistaken because of their height, and I'm over here 6'2 ._.
  6. I'm 5'11'. I need to grow, like now.
  7. up*
  8. I'm 5'10".. I honestly wish I could grow a couple more inches. I'm 18, though, so I'm not sure I will
  9. Beautiful!
    FadedMartian and We3_MPO like this.
  10. As a 5'5.5" 20.5 y/o male, I see no reason for you to complain.:p Supposedly there is chance for growth up until around 24-25.
  11. Thank you but im only 14

    You only look 16/17 for that height.
    Least your not 14 and already 6'2 and look about 20 ( i thought you were about 15/16 )

    ( Im for 5'8 so if anyone wants my height im happy to swap if your shorter )
    MrMemeDaddy, Sachrock and We3_MPO like this.
  12. I am 14 tho ._.
    We3_Nub and The_Iron_Foxy like this.
  13. least its better to look older than younger :p
  14. I'm the tallest person I know and I'm 210 cm and I'm 13
    We3_Nub likes this.
  15. I miss being small.
    The majority of my friends look up at to me (physically), which is kinda cringey, but they are all very small.
    Well, at least can laugh on the inside about their miniscule size >:]
    BrizeeMC and CallumDAKing like this.
  16. I'm not sure if that's physically possible....
  17. Unless he has gigantism, he is not 6'8/210cm.
    I walk around my town and I laugh inside my head at grown men who I'm taller than. Then I go into school and the majority of my friends are taller than me because they're like 6'3 (the rest are like 5'5). Heavy times ;-;
    Also used to get bullied throughout primary school for being small. I'm now a massive amount taller than the people who used to bully me :p
    We3_Nub, 607, TotoStyle and 2 others like this.
  18. That is the same for me, i am taller then a handful of my friends but when i go to school i am a lot smaller compared to them, btw i am 5'10 :p
    We3_Nub likes this.
  19. Really? How? I actually thought "Hey, nice, somebody from around my age posting." (I'm 17).

    I was 196 cm (6'5) when I last checked, but I might've grown since then.
    So I'm quite tall but I look pretty childish still, I think :p
    In case you missed it: here's my latest picture.
    Palmsugar, TomvanWijnen and Fexu like this.

  20. At School behind a rubbish bin:D

    Why did I post this one?
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