Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2016 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2016.

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  1. Took this one awhile ago. I might get my hair dyed a nice dark mulberry colour, like my profile, sometime in may. c: Also I usually wear glasses, but whatever.
  2. excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me
  3. Time for a new picture i guess :D

    FDNY21, HxCami10, Roslyn and 11 others like this.
  4. Hai D! Nice picture!
    Dramanya, IamTheNub and _FB_ like this.
  5. here's my gorgeous Chinchilla Mimi

    She's Awesome :p

    now, let me dig up a 2016 picture of myself...

    So yeah, I know I look kinda young, I'm the little one on top! :D

    nah, well, he's my little bundle of joy that is!
    I'm the guy sitting inside the red car on the other side of the street...

    still joking lol

    here's a hint because I'm really hard to locate on that picture: Orange!!

    Funny how when you have your first child you stop taking pictures of yourself almost completely. I took a whopping 1766 pictures in the past 10 months.. 99.9% is from my little boy lol. he's too adorable to not take pictures of lol..

    look at that face!
  6. ok Last one from me because I missed my wife in the portrait.

  7. Not highly obsessed with doctor who I see but still got a bit of modern day on there!! U make Doctor who look good
    Krysyy likes this.
  8. Shhhh...I definitely didn't use the wedding as an excuse to build a full size TARDIS...
    607 and Khalietal like this.
  9. Are they ate your place Now?
    MustangLover25 likes this.
  10. It's currently in my dad's trailer because we need to get clearance from the HOA to put it in the backyard, but *drumroll*
  11. Bring me down there I need a holiday from the bajillion tests!! Plus it's tooooooo cold
    MustangLover25 likes this.
  12. I take it that you are a fan of Doctor Who? I'm a complete neophyte on the subject
  13. Had to google that word, but welcome the life of a Whovian. If you ever want to talk Doctor Who, or anything really, message me on the forums =)
    FadedMartian, Khalietal and 607 like this.

  14. Wife and I.
    FoxyRavenger, Krysyy, _FB_ and 4 others like this.
  15. First cute kid ..... So use to seeing pictures off friends kids now I almost forget what some of my friends look like XD. Also You have a Chinchilla and that is just awesome!
    Khalietal likes this.
  16. I find these threads pretty interesting: being on an online community has a very unique and rare impact on how we treat each other.

    By instinct we instantly judge a new person by his/her look, demeanor, voice, and all body language nuances that we pickup instinctively. We are prey to our subconscious default values in judgong somebody's worth.

    Stripping both voice and physical look away from us leaves us to actually think about how somebody is by his/her mind. We can for once judge everyone equally regardless of past experience, and free of subconsciouss choices. How neat is that?

    I could have been the ugliest guy on the planet and still have received likes on the forums like I did. I could have been a rockstar and wouldn't have received more likes than now all because what really matters is who we are inside :)

    I love this observation
  17. After FDNY21 spending a week in London at home with me, I have far too many selfies to post on here, however I have chosen this one because dinosaurs are cool... RAWR :p

  18. 2016 update :D Getting ready for Saturday night dinner
    Hopefully one day I will return to emc, but for now its all 'bout dat grade 12 aye
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