Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2016 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2016.

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  1. Finally! :D
  2. Wow, you look really different from when you first started posting.
    Rhythmically, Olga and 607 like this.
  3. Yeah, that's what struck me, too!
  4. I don't see the difference.
  5. I promise the others will be up soon, but here's #1 =)
  6. Great! :D I'm really happy for you both!
    IamTheNub likes this.
  7. So Cute!!
    Happy for you both
    Sachrock and We3_10AC like this.
  8. crongrats
    IamTheNub likes this.

  9. Bad picture is bad. :T
  10. You are a beautiful young lady. I must say, great job with the makeup! I could hardly tell it was there. I much prefer natural beauty to caked on makeup. Less is more in that department, you look great!
  11. i definitely do not like how disgusting caked on makeup looks.. i like as natural looking as possible. most of the time i'll put a light brown or sand color eye shadow with mascara and be done with it, which is what i did here lol but the only thing you can really see is the mascara xD
    IamTheNub, 607 and Kytula like this.
  12. I got my little brother to take a picture with me tonight :p He is a whopping 13 years old!
  13. You have different eyes :) (Just a comment, I like eyes.)
    ShyguytheGamer1 and HxCami10 like this.
  14. Yep :p My mom, sister and I have the green eyes and he has the brown eyes :p
  15. Yes that is a a fake Gryffindor themed towel. Just watching the first Harry Potter movie. Pretending the sorting hat put me in Gryffindor too. lol
  16. Pretty and smart. That's a deadly combination.
  17. I'm in Slytherin xD
    IamTheNub and CallMeTower like this.
  18. I'm a hufflepuff
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