item DC of emeralds starting bid 50k bid increment 1k auction ends 48 hours after the last valid bid pickup will be at /v +af on smp7
i have no problem with this, not my call. I was wondering if this action was illegal or not. Again, i dont see anything wrong with it, i would just like to know if in this circumstance if its legal or not for future reference in case i ever come across this situation.
Keep in mind I'm not staff. No one else made a valid bid besides Dektirok before the auction was over but bidders are required by the rules to pay within 48 hours unless otherwise agreed upon. Officially this means the OP (original poster=Auction host) can report him for reneging on his bid (which could get him banned from the auction forums). But regardless of whether or not they report the player it's unofficially expected that the OP contact the next highest bidder (not applicable in this case) or dispose of the items as they see fit (they are only officially obligated to exchange the items with the highest bidder and if the bidder breaks the deal the auctioner no longer under any obligation to pony up the goods to anyone unless they want too). To sum it all up: This was probably legal but technically they should have had their conversation via website mail and not on the auction page. P.S. If this happens to you and you are unsure of what to do you can use the website's email system to ask a moderator.
ok well it is legal to sell the items if the bidder does not respond in a reasonable amount of time im pretty sure so if asternflyer624 wants to sell the emeralds ill pay 85k just message me in a private chat thanks
sorry i actually dont need them anymore i bought alittle over a dc the other day but thanks anyways just do another auction i bet someone will bid if you bump the auction
What you want to do is start a message with the person & include staff so they can talk to the winner.
Im sorry. I forgot all about this auction and i never received a single notification about it. Someone pmld me about it why i just learned of me winning. I will pay immediately. I wasnt dodging this... just no notifications.
That is.. if they are still available. I will manually watch this thread over the next 24 hours, or just send me a PM on the boards with your answer.