Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2016 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2016.

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  1. ...for you to post a pic ;)
    Kytula and Rhythmicaly like this.

  2. Well now it would make since if it was christmas but its not
  3. Snow Day!

    What a great surprise to be on the banner! I got a major haircut since my last photo(s), and apparently became a model.

    In case you were wondering, the snowman's name is Mr. Anderson.

  4. I saw dis on snapchat xD
    Kyzoy likes this.
  5. Yes, please! I missed it last time!
    UltiPig and Dufne like this.
  6. Must I quote this from last year?
  7. That's not your face?
    Salmatic likes this.
  9. Honestly I thought you would look a little differently.
  10. Yeah, she's way more charming and mysterious than we all thought.
  11. Gorgeous picture!!!!
    AnonReturns, 607 and CDJS like this.
  12. i give it a fish out of 11 triangles
    CDJS likes this.
  13. The loli is strong with this one.
  14. Hey guys! I wanted to post a pic earlier but sadly my most recent and decent pic was from Dec. 30, 2015. However, I'm doing a school project that requires pictures of me so I thought I might as well post mine since I've got pics right in front of me :) Also, yes, my arm does look awkward, and yes, that is a Pale from Blues Clues sticker on the door. I've never bothered to remove it lol.

    (P.S. I included 2 pics, one filtered a bunch, and the other being the raw photo. I wanted to seem real and not try hard-ish, but also have a cool looking pic haha. sorry for being conceited ;P)
  15. Haha, nice you included both! When I had just got onto high-school years ago, I always wondered why all Facebook pictures of the girls in my class were black-and-white ;)
    Hashhog, deathconn and VictorianFleur like this.
  16. true beauty
    ToddV, Kytula and DatzMine like this.
  17. Must be a girl thing! xD
    607 likes this.
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