[Giveaway] 7 Avalaunchers

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Moms_CreditCard, Dec 25, 2015.


Did you enjoy your Christmas?

Poll closed Jan 1, 2016.
Yes 28 vote(s) 71.8%
No 2 vote(s) 5.1%
Still celebrating it... 6 vote(s) 15.4%
I don't celebrate it... 3 vote(s) 7.7%
  1. I got a new laptop that I unknowingly helped pay for, I received a very nice watch, a few very nice sweaters also. I also had the pleasure of donating my time to give gifts and food to the less fortunate this Christmas. Thank you for the giveaway :3
  2. I got $100 for Christmas. Thanks for hosting this giveaway, Dj! :)
    tuqueque likes this.
  3. I got Sweaterz! Thanks for the giveaway!
  4. I'll include my birthday presents cuz my birthday is 5 days before christmas:
    Beats pill(awesome btw)
    pop figures
    star wars battlefront to ps4
    the movie Book thief (Great movie)
    Money to buy vouchers on minecraft
    Membership on a ukulele website so I can learn more ukulele!
    And some more:)
  5. soccer shoes and new game
    _Ulti likes this.
  6. I received a whole lot of love, a warm green sweater, and train tickets to anywhere for two weeks.
  7. I got a trip to NYC from my hubby <3
  8. i got a new piece for my bowl collection, and i got a candypig bowl :D
    i like bowls
    ThaKloned likes this.
  9. All numbers have been filled and quickly, thanks for entering and I hope for a good new year in EMC...
  10. Got lots of great presents. Got some supporter vouchers!
  11. Steam stuff (4-20 dollar gift cards), Loot Crate (special Black Ops 3 one), comic books, and The Children Of Dune
  12. An Xbox One with Black Ops 3, GTA V, and Star Wars Battlefront.
    I also got 2 half pound Reese Peanut Butter cups.
  13. I got an iPhone 6! Pretty pleased with that :)
  14. I got a new phone and books and stuff :)
    Hope everyone had a great christmas
  15. I got a Logitech Driving Force GT steering wheel, some new games (Fallout 4, yas!) and a very nice watch from Anon! :) Got lots of chocolates too! :D
  16. I got some Dan Brown books, Rise Against CDs and tickets for a festival (Rock am Ring) :D
  17. I got a great hammock
  18. This was a good idea.
    Frostbrewed2 likes this.
  19. Steam cards!
    Frostbrewed2 likes this.