Wait, who am I?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by TomvanWijnen3, Dec 18, 2015.

  1. I don't know who you are...
    FoxyRavenger likes this.
  2. u did not go without me to the nether.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. Hi TomvanWijnen3. Welcome to the Empire. Enjoy your stay. :) If you run into TomvanWijnen or TomvanWijnen2, I would advise you to run as I hear they don't like others to use their names, even though you changed the end of it. :rolleyes:
  4. Thanks for the good advice! :)
  5. shhhhht, don't reveal our zecret plans for Nether domination :)
  6. I remember that star wars the force awakens trailer..

    Who are you?
    I'm no one.

    That was so funny Lol

    Welcome to the empire!
  7. You all need to calm down you all are scaring the sprite. We can all admit though, our owners are kinda crazy...

    For example, here is our photo
  8. You didn't tell me you kept that photo!!! Of course I look funny because you didn't tell me where to look and I was cracking a awesome joke.

    Alright no forums for you!

    But in seriousness welcome to Empire Minecraft where we act as a family. Of course, I don't think you want to join my life as a animatronic :p

    I always say this to new players because It is meaningful.

    And realizing the age of this thread, you have joined EMC family :p
    TomvanWijnen likes this.