[Auction] XP Grinder - (1 Spider, 2 skeleton, 2 zombie)

Discussion in 'Auction Archives' started by SephirothWS, Apr 28, 2012.

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  1. 621 stop bumping when it isn't even you're auction please.
  2. it is amusing though
    RoBoT_ChIcKeN_66 likes this.
  3. Well people are trying to actually win this. And if you have nothing to do with it then you shouldn't try to ruin other chances.
    RoBoT_ChIcKeN_66 likes this.
  4. Unless your bidding you should not be posting at all on this thread.
  5. 131k, and if 621op posts again, I will formally report him because it's amusing.
  6. RoBoT_ChIcKeN_66 and jlopez24 like this.
  7. 135k! Jesus Christ i'm not that rich! I only have 200k+ :( I'm out of the auction!
    RoBoT_ChIcKeN_66 likes this.
  8. jlopez24 is in the lead with 135 and 22 hours remain (unless more bids come in).

    Yeah, 621. I'm going to have to ask you to stop with the off-topic posts, as well as the un-necessary posts you have been making in this thread before I also report you.
  9. Just a reminder.

    jlopez24 is in the lead with 135k, and 12 hours, 15 minutes left (unless another bid)
  10. Only an hour and 15 minutes left, jlopez24 is in the lead with 135k.
    RoBoT_ChIcKeN_66 likes this.
  11. 5 minutes left.....


    RoBoT_ChIcKeN_66 likes this.
  12. Mods don't have the correct permission to the Auctions forum currently (and Jeremy doesn't have the correct permissions to fix it yet haha) so I can't delete 621's post.

    621, do it again anywhere on the forums and you'll get a tempban on the forums.

    @Seph, How did you get the kill zone to be within spawner activation? PM me if you would rather keep it private but I have an idea on 1 way just curious if thats what you did.
    RoBoT_ChIcKeN_66 likes this.
  13. Muffin. Why? Ugh this is ridiculously annoying. 138k.
    RoBoT_ChIcKeN_66 likes this.
  14. I dont understand why you would do this. I had 5 minutes left. 140k. Now leave.
    RoBoT_ChIcKeN_66 likes this.
  15. Wait lololjk. His bid came after:p i already won.

    Just kidding. Saw the wrong times
  16. Is there a way to check and make sure people have the rupees and are not just driving the price up?
    jlopez24 likes this.
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