Lasting People of the Empire

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ForeverMaster, Aug 25, 2015.

  1. Hello Empire Minecraft.
    With the new website trophies for x years with the empire, I became curious about these lasting people who still stay interested with our community for years.

    So, to those veterans here today. . .

    -} When did you first joined Empire Minecraft, and what was your experience back then?

    -} What has kept you in this community and why? What would make you leave?

    -} If you planned on leaving the community forever, what would you do before saying farewell?

    I'm looking forward to read your responses!:cool:
    _Ulti, 607, khixan and 3 others like this.
  2. personally i love this community, wouldnt change it for the world even if yall make me so mad sometimes lol

    i couldnt leave yall and deny you my presence. when i first joined emc was alot different was a quiet server you could be on smp6 for days and never talk to anyone. i liked it back then. now 6 is always full and we have the most mods chosen recently simply because we have the largest amount of the best people frequently on :p

    i love my smp6 family, and i love my emc family
  3. A lot of stalkers. When I was a noob I did not know you could hide from the Live Map and a handful of people followed me out to the wild and Everywhere I went.

    I Absolutely Loved the smp4 community and all of the people that played there.

    I 'rarely' saw a moderator on Smp4 for probably the first 60 days I played. Maybe once in the entire first 60 days. Chickeneer played there, however he was Diamond Supporter I believe, not staff.

    The community. Everyone on EMC makes playing here very enjoyable and more fun than regular Minecraft and other servers.

    What has made me leave temporarily in the past is being too busy Irl.

    Give anything and everything I own back to the community (as I have done multiple times before in MASSIVE giveaways).
  4. -}When did you first joined Empire Minecraft, and what was your experience back then?
    January, 2014. I was very slow to get involved with the community, but had a circle of friends that I always had a wonderful time with.
    -} What has kept you in this community and why? What would make you leave?
    I feel accepted here. People are always kind, and this community has a way of putting me at ease. Also, Luckygreenbird keeps me in a cage to prevent me from leaving.
    -} If you planned on leaving the community forever, what would you do before saying farewell?
    Well, I guess I couldn't live forever. 87 years here wasn't too bad, though. I guess I'd give away my (what will be at that time) multi trillion rupee possessions.
    BlinkyBinky, ShelLuser, 607 and 6 others like this.
  5. I joined 1,142 days ago.. not sure of the actual date (EDIT: Jul 9, 2012 was the date)

    I lived on smp9. It wasn't all that different than it is today except that it was a whole different group of players playing. There was one player in particular that was the loudest on the server, I forget his name but he owned a shop and pretty much owned the economy. One day Aikar changed something about the economy (I don't recall what the change was) and this player threw a fit and left the server and never came back. It was pretty epic. This opened things up and allowed for other players and their shops to be more successful.. myself being one of them.

    Well I love playing minecraft and this server allows folks to play comfortably in multiple different ways without running into trouble. The fact there is no PVP except in the arena helps. It's difficult to get bored in my opinion because of all the different things you can do... as long as you actually like playing minecraft.

    I never planned on leaving.
  6. -First joined in January of 2012. I despise PvP and faction based gameplay so Moose was finding a server to play on with me (probably to get my off my skyrim binge). It was a lot different. I distinctly remember having to lead your animals around with wheat in order to move them to another res and that they could escape and roam the town.

    -The players. Everyone is a little different and everyone has their good days and bad days. That's just life in any community. However, when someone posts that they had a bad day, or just wants someone to talk to, I always see plenty of people offering their shoulder to cry on or their ear to listen. It's the empathy underneath all players that really makes this community stick together. As for what would make me leave...if real life got too busy. Honestly, it's crazy now so I don't see that being an issue, but I'm sure when Moose and I have kids, my activity will probably fall a bit. When they are babies it will be lack of sleep, but as they get older, maybe I'll have them play EMC with me =) The only constant in life is change and that would be a big one so I can't say exactly what would happen. I can barely plan a month in advance...

    -Um, I'd probably build some massive build for the community using all my dragon eggs and materials and buy permanent derelict protection for my other things to be stored at my TARDIS =P
  7. -} When did you first joined Empire Minecraft, and what was your experience back then?
    • I joined for the first time just over 1,000 days ago, and at the time I was new to Minecraft so I was just getting to grips with everything and trying things out. This was the first server I tried and I've never looked back.
    -} What has kept you in this community and why? What would make you leave?
    • Although it may sound strange, the community has kept me in the community. I love the people here, I've met so many friends, many that I speak to and help on here, some that I've not met elsewhere too. This place is full of great people and lots of fun, I've never had any reason to leave. I would only leave if I felt like I was not welcome, or if the community was falling apart and I was no longer enjoying it. I feel very welcome here and any problems within the community are usually dealt with swiftly, so that's also a couple of reasons why I stay here.
    -} If you planned on leaving the community forever, what would you do before saying farewell?

    • I have no plans on doing that, so that's quite a hard question. If it really was forever, I suppose I would give all of my things to the people that know me best and are closest to me, people that I can trust to cherish those items. I can't really add much more because I don't plan on it, so sorry but I can't help any further on this answer here.
    amadai, 607, ForeverMaster0 and 2 others like this.
  8. -} When did you first joined Empire Minecraft, and what was your experience back then?

    I joined Empire Minecraft on Wednesday, November sixteenth, 2011, about 1378 days ago. I was an absolute noob. One of my friends (who is now in college) introduced me to the Empire, however she joined later than me. Her username is Kiiaka (I think I spelled that right, lol). Although I don't remember too much of that time, I played for a while and ended up making a small hotel, which never got any actual customers. Shortly after, I came upon the stupid decision to grief someone's establishment and I was banned.

    -} What has kept you in this community and why? What would make you leave?

    What has kept me in the community? This one should be pretty obvious. After my unbanning in November of 2014, I came back to a wonderful community, and I was greeted by many warm souls. These people are the ones that encouraged me to stay on the Empire and get to where I am today.

    -} If you planned on leaving the community forever, what would you do before saying farewell?

    To begin, I don't intend on becoming any less active or leaving any time soon. But, if I was forced to leave, I would prepare some sort of enormous competition for my entire fortune, then make a sincere farewell thread and leave. :)
  9. -} When did you first joined Empire Minecraft, and what was your experience back then?
    I joined 2012 August 2nd, over 3 years ago. I was a bit of a minecraft noob but I enjoyed the Empire because it's completely unique.
    -} What has kept you in this community and why? What would make you leave?
    I think the community itself has kept me here and the uniqueness of the server, there's no other server that could do what the Empire does better. I don't think I would leave on common circumstances, but perhaps if the server was ruined somehow and half of the community left or something then I would.
    -} If you planned on leaving the community forever, what would you do before saying farewell?
    I'd probably run a maze event, where all my promo's and valued items would be given away. I'd also do a giveaway of all my rupees. However I doubt I'll ever leave the community forever. :p
  10. -} When did you first joined Empire Minecraft, and what was your experience back then?
    It was a bit different. I knew one other person who joined in that I work with, and the Momentus and Marlix were I believe brand new. It was often much more quiet and many of the players on had their typical groups of people they were already established with. I remember CDDM with his stark towers and being amazed with a huge town build. In my beginning days, I remember that a momentus had spawned in right next to a waste spawn point, and the momentus was almost indestructible. Many players joined in to try and slaughter it and we all died loads of times. A lava bucket eventually brought it down, so any drops got burnt up. It was a totally fun way to break the ice between me and a few regular players that were around at the time. Awhile afterwards, I got introduced to an amazing build, which was a smp5 enderfarm.

    Map hiding, and many features were unavailable, unless you were a supporter. You could not use TNT, unless you were a diamond supporter either. Many many small changes happened, in which players take for granted today.

    Changing from the xbox360 version, to the computer was just crazy, and I went from 'auto crafting' to needing to memorize all the patterns for what I wanted to make.

    -} What has kept you in this community and why? What would make you leave?
    The cooperative nature of EMC, having the wastelands to destroy, protected town, fun players, and rupees to buy and sell items. It is such a great way to play minecraft in a community setting. I really enjoy the game itself, and the platform of a 'fair' world is just fantastic.

    What would make me leave... Hm... Losing the ability to afford the internet? I really see nothing here that would force me to leave EMC. I really love the creativity of minecraft and the ability to adventure far out to distant lands.
    If we went to total creative, then that may be one thing that would have me go.
    If I had to take a guess, it would really most likely come from pressure by others to have me stop gaming.

    -} If you planned on leaving the community forever, what would you do before saying farewell?
    If forever, I would get all of my junk in chests and hoppers and hook it up with pressure plates and droppers, so that my items would deplete one by one, until there was nothing left. I would not permanent protect as someday, after I would be gone, I would only be a memory that would fade, until with time, I shall be forgotten.

  11. -} When did you first joined Empire Minecraft, and what was your experience back then?
    I joined around 1300 days ago while I was searching for a server with a friendly, town type of server. EMC was a whole lot smaller back then. You really got to know most of the people on the SMP that you played on.
    -} What has kept you in this community and why? What would make you leave?
    I guess the answer is in the question, the community! I have gotten to know so many great people here and is a community that I would not like to leave. The only reason why I would leave EMC is if I were to ever get bored of MC as a whole. EMC to me makes Minecraft a whole lot better.
    -} If you planned on leaving the community forever, what would you do before saying farewell?
    I would definitely give out most my wealth and belongings to people who I feel are deserving of it. Also, a goodbye thread would be something I would post before I would leave. :)
    607, ForeverMaster0 and highlancer54 like this.
  12. -} When did you first joined Empire Minecraft, and what was your experience back then?

    I first joined EMC on February 8th, 2012. I knew one person here (he last logged in 5 months ago after 3+ year hiatus), who was my friend IRL and is the only reason I'm here. He introduced me to AlexHallon (who has been banned for 2 years, and stopped talking to me), who was my first EMC friend. I brought my brother here a few days later.

    Hm... what to say about my past experience here? It was different. People were more chatty, the servers were constantly full, and I had friends I played with at our own proto-outpost (outposts as we know them now didn't exist :p) that made things much more fun. I was also 11 years old and had just started Secondary School. I had a different computer. Things were just... very different to how they are now :p

    -} What has kept you in this community and why? What would make you leave?

    The community (most of the people in it, anyway...) has kept me in the community. EMC is my 'second home', a place where I go to to share my thoughts with people, a place where I share stuff I've done with people. Yeah. I do stuff here.

    And make me leave? Getting banned (and even then, I'd at least try to sneak back in :p). I've tried to leave before, but it doesn't work :p

    -} If you planned on leaving the community forever, what would you do before saying farewell?

    If I left, one last thing I'd do is apologise on behalf of my predecessors. The people who I've been in my almost four years here have offended people, been complete a-holes, and have done stupid stuff I, as I currently exist, regret. I've apologised before, but it's always good to let people know a billionth time :rolleyes:
    amadai, 607 and highlancer54 like this.
  13. So much this. I can not get enough of this.
    ForeverMaster0 likes this.
  14. So, to those veterans here today. . .

    -} When did you first joined Empire Minecraft, and what was your experience back then?
    April 1, 2012. Those were the good ol' days. EMC was much simpler which was great by I still enjoy the complexity now.

    -} What has kept you in this community and why? What would make you leave?
    The fact that this is a unique server has kept me here. I can go no where else in any game and find a community this great. People are helping each other. There are minimal trolls. People actually treat you like another person.

    -} If you planned on leaving the community forever, what would you do before saying it?
    I would say thank you. I've put days of real life time into this and that is the least I can do to giveback.
    ForeverMaster0 and highlancer54 like this.
  15. Lol, I only stay to randomly chat with people. Though I rarely log in these days. Im just waiting for something game changing, maybe 1.9 MC will bring me back actively. Joined in Halloween of 2011 whilst being bored at home, didn't even find out there was even forums until April of 2012. Experience back then was legit doe. Not many beggars and income was real. Only thing that would make me permanently leave now is if MC added flying Isaac from ATLauncher Modpack. Guy is a pain to kill and drops crap. If I planned on leaving, I'd put all my stuff in the wild, build a nice little tomb area and loot area for it, take 1 picture for forums with the only words on the OP saying "Good Luck". Hehehehe.
  16. Zikko I have been playing for over 58 days and I love this community I still keep on playing cause I love the promos, economy, showing my builds to other players and the events
    ForeverMaster0 likes this.
  17. -} When did you first joined Empire Minecraft, and what was your experience back then?
    I first joined on the 5th of January, 2012 (same day locked chests were added!). My experience was completely different. There were no mega malls or mega rich players. A million rupees? Having more than 50k was a lot back then. Everything was generally cheap, diamonds were only 25r or something like that.

    On my first day, I have no clue what I was doing as I was still new to Minecraft, let alone EMC. I wondered around a lot, and when walking onto someones residence, they broke a chest and gave me quite a few free items. After wondering around a bit more, I found a res and began building. I had managed to find some cheap gold, and was selling gold blocks at 80r each. They sold quite well actually. 2 days later, my brother Fellyboy then joined EMC. He too was new to Minecraft (playing back in release 1.0). We built a crappy wooden house (some pics in my spoiler below), and then built other things such as a cobblestone generator and eventually a mall where people could rent their own shops. After all that, we did a lot of raiding of NPC villages (not sure why we didn't make a tree farm...), and began building other things. Then not much has happened since. I built my own mega mall but during my leave from EMC, my reses were reset and I haven't done much else.

    -} What has kept you in this community and why? What would make you leave?
    There are a few reasons why I have stayed. From the community just being fun, exciting and great to talk to (not seeing it as much now, no offence to anyone!), to other things such as my friends still play EMC, my brother does and EMC is the only survival town server that does not use PlotMe, is dead or is just generally boring to play. The only thing that would make me leave, is boredom. While EMC has a lot of features; I have been there and done that. I've done everything there is too do. At the moment I'm just getting gold. Even Dragon Tombs may not keep me. The feature has been in development for as long as I can remember, and the way it sounds, just seems boring.

    -} If you planned on leaving the community forever, what would you do before saying farewell?
    If I planned on leaving forever; I'm going out with a bang. I'd do many giveaways, and maybe even slip in a few secrets just to stir some fun up ;)

    EDIT: Can't find the pictures :(
  18. I've been here a while.

    I joined EMC in May 2012. EMC had a bustling economy back then, a million rupees wasn't in anyone's scope yet. Diamonds cost just over 35 rupees, and everything was beautiful. There weren't always mods on but there was rarely a reason for them to be; everyone was super nice and polite, not breaking rules. (Except for a few exceptions...) (Me >.<) Anyways the wild was on easy mode, you didn't need gear to go monster hunting or mining or anything. No mini bosses, no enraged mobs. Peaceful. ;)

    I've stayed a part of his community because of the community that I was a part of. =P You could always start a conversation with anyone, you could always befriend anyone, and everyone just kinda fits in like one huge jigsaw puzzle. I could always complain about real life, and listen and reply to others'. Could always come here to give and receive support when things didn't go our way. The community is so big yet closely knit that I could always find someone in the same predicament that I was, no matter what it was. You guys are all just great people. ;-;

    That last question... *Shivers* Well I guess it's an appropriate what if question as I am starting to think about college... I would likely sell everything I own in order to buy tons upon tons of TNT and detonate a lot of my stuff. =P Then I would open perms to everyone and give away whatever was left. That includes disclosing coordinates to my secret farms as well as my brand new wither skele farm. ;)
    607, ForeverMaster0 and highlancer54 like this.
  19. -} When did you first joined Empire Minecraft, and what was your experience back then?
    When I first joined Empire Minecraft about 940-ish days ago, I was the definition of noob. Seriously, I was the scum of the earth. I was more active in the wilderness back then, joining a small outpost and mainly spending time there. When I was in Town, I mainly just built renewable farms. Soon after I joined, 1.5 came out, and I remember journeying 4,000 blocks across the Nether to go get some because the Wastelands didn't yet exist. I also remember the old shop and Tutorial and how primitive they were when compared to their current versions. At some point I decided to leave the Empire. However, after resetting my original res (9118) and giving away all my items, the most valuable of which were a Flaming Mob Launcher and Cactus Pants (which, at 6k, seemed to cost an insane amount of money to me back then), I only lasted 4 days without EMC before returning.

    -} What has kept you in this community and why? What would make you leave?
    I can answer this with insane accuracy because I have recently considered (and denied the possibility of) leaving. Simply put, two main things kept me: My museum and the community. Throughout my time on EMC, my museum has been an ongoing project, and I wasn't sure if I could just leave all my work on it behind. However, even more so, I couldn't imagine saying goodbye to the community. Some of the players on this server have become incredible friends to me, and I laugh, talk, and confide in them just as I would with my real life friends. I couldn't bear to leave them behind.
    What would make me leave? I'm not sure, to be honest. I don't think I would ever purposefully, fully leave. A large decrease in inactivity due to real life goals and events would be possible, but a complete stop? I don't know.

    -} If you planned on leaving the community forever, what would you do before saying farewell?
    I would make a thread explaining my reasons, cut all ties with organizations and outposts, give away most of theitems I own, store my most treasured possessions in my vault in case I later changed my mind, and then proceed saying my individual farewells to all of my dear friends here on the server.