Last activity:
Nov 7, 2024 at 8:37 PM
Sep 21, 2024
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North Carolina
Marketing Advisor, Custom Car Restoration

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Well-Known Member, Male, from North Carolina

we are officially leaving north carolina temporarily tomorrow night, our doctor is doing a labor induction on the third. I am unsure how much i will be able to be active during the first few days or week, but I will be on as much as possible... Oct 25, 2024

sawsykingpin was last seen:
Searching, Nov 7, 2024 at 8:37 PM
    1. sawsykingpin
      we are officially leaving north carolina temporarily tomorrow night, our doctor is doing a labor induction on the third. I am unsure how much i will be able to be active during the first few days or week, but I will be on as much as possible...
    2. NickkG
      Good luck with the megamall "Target" stores!
    3. sawsykingpin
      still have a lot of chests to be stocked for the large sorting system....
    4. sawsykingpin
      accepting donations for target! buying most items at 2r per stack, if you would like to donate, please come to /v mrawsumsawse-4 and scroll through our four floors of sorting to find where to donate your items! thank you so much for supporting us as we get this huge mall running!
    5. sawsykingpin
      just made a youtube channel, check it out... I will be posting my Empire gameplay in the coming weeks... maybe even hosting challenges for players
      1. Tuqueque, fadedmartian and We3_MPO like this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Tuqueque
        Oct 10, 2024
      4. ultipig
        Oct 12, 2024
      5. sawsykingpin
        Will get link posted in the next day or so. Still trying to figure out mic and recording software
        Oct 13, 2024
    6. sawsykingpin
      sold my voucher
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
    7. sawsykingpin
      ive got a diamond voucher for sale.
    8. sawsykingpin
      marlix is impossible
      1. NuclearBobomb and We3_MPO like this.
      2. ultipig
        you forgot to add "on diff 10"
        Oct 4, 2024
      3. sawsykingpin
        we tried for legit 30 minutes and he never lost a single bar of health.... went home to make some instant damage arrows for next time
        Oct 4, 2024
      4. We3_MPO
        Instant damage is counterproductive with undead mobs. Instant health damages them instead.
        Oct 4, 2024
    9. sawsykingpin
      well.... wifi at the house randomly started working, still running off of a generator.... however, had a tree fall on my garage and crush 2 cars.... ughhhh always something....
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
    10. sawsykingpin
      building farms..... tired of building farms.... will be a cool spot for new players to come though, and a revenue stream for auctioning off emerald blocks
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
    11. sawsykingpin
      If you own a shop, what are the most commonly purchased blocks
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
    12. sawsykingpin
      What items do you buy the most of and why.
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
    13. sawsykingpin
      i need to post more auctions but i am unsure if i will be able to swiftly fufill the orders, so i will wait i guess
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
    14. sawsykingpin
      in town for a little while today and tomorrow! poke yer head in and say hey for a little bit. will be on till about 9ish tonight EST then i will be on at 730 EST in the morning until about 3pm EST as well tomorrow. not sure about the rest of the week.
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
    15. sawsykingpin
      Internet has completely went out, still running off generator, with an estimate of 2 weeks for power restoration. Not sure on internet. Going to be going to town in the next day or two to hop on for a few hours to wrap up my auction stuff.
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. ultipig
        RIP. Good luck. It already feels different without you in-game
        Sep 28, 2024
      4. sawsykingpin
        Hopefully will be back soon. Just ran to town to grab some more gas for the generator. Tree on my house but all is well, just some roofing damage. Will be spending this evening and tomorrow cutting it off and putting a tarp over it until the metal I ordered to replace it comes in.
        Sep 28, 2024
      5. MoreMoople
        Stay safe!! I hope the repairs don't give you too much trouble!
        Sep 30, 2024
    16. sawsykingpin
      in the middle pf a hurricane, not sure how much i will be on the next few days.... currently have internet working viaa generator but not the best internet...
      1. We3_MPO and ultipig like this.
      2. dylan_dylan_
        stay safe🙏
        Sep 28, 2024
    17. sawsykingpin
      feeling discouraged about setting up this huge shop...
      1. We3_MPO likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. MoreMoople
        Just do a little at a time! :)
        Sep 26, 2024
      4. sawsykingpin
        just so much to do, so much to stock. very expensive ive got a lot more auctions to run etc
        Sep 26, 2024
      5. ultipig
        insert nike slogan here
        Sep 27, 2024
    18. sawsykingpin
      almost got the shop up and running!
      1. ultipig and We3_MPO like this.
    19. Tbird1128
      WElcome to the Empire!
      1. ultipig and We3_MPO like this.
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  • About

    North Carolina
    Marketing Advisor, Custom Car Restoration
    So, the way I found this server was my dad. He originally played on this server (Mrawsumsawse) but he had some health problems (Cancer) and has passed away. He had plans to build the largest mall chain in EMC... Target Enterprises... I have gained access to his original target, and it will be the first of TEN Target Enterprises stores.... This will be the LARGEST store in the Empire. We will be Buying, Selling, Trading, and Auctioning every item in the game. We will also have Villager Trading Centers and Weapon Centers underneath every store for new players to use, and sell emeralds to us, and be able to buy really nice armor in the first few hours of their visit into EMC, along with the option of selling us bulk items! (sand, gravel, stones, etc) We will be opening soon, and DOMINATING this economy, while providing some of the BEST SERVICES on EMC