Jul 26, 2011
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Sorry everyone, because of volume I had to stop accepting personal messages on the site :(. You may message any other staff member :) Apr 30, 2012

    1. darkruler53
      Hey Justin!! I'm loving the 1.2.3 update on the servers!! Just wondering when will one of the admins add Ocelots into the shop and and also when there was about five minutes until smp6 was shut down for updating, I was looking for raw fish and there seemed to be none... Anyway, when will Ocelots come!?!!?

    2. dotboi
      Can u unban me Plz?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. copherfield
        Also, AtomicCookies, do a ban appeal and stop bothering the whole comunity. Otherwise you will get banned from the website also.
        Mar 7, 2012
      3. AtomicCookies
        Sorry no one gave me a link but thanks for the link ,now I don't have to bother and destroy the empire!
        Mar 7, 2012
      4. copherfield
    3. dragio25
      there is no pet shop on utopia server
    4. soulsnipe
      I finally got an ocelot from somebody but then it glitched into the ground and died. is there anything that can be done to prevent it from happening again? it cost me alot of rupees.
    5. AtomicCookies
      Oh yeah do you know how i've been bugging the server that TrOlZoR12 was going to play this server?,
      He's playing now! (where's my 500r :))
    6. AtomicCookies
      Justin can you please unban me?
      1. JustinGuy
        Please private message myself or another staff member with a ban appeal.
        Mar 6, 2012
      2. AtomicCookies
        What's a ban appeal?
        Mar 6, 2012
      3. AtomicCookies
        Mar 6, 2012
    7. XDjzz
      hey justin prehaps u should add a link to the 1.1 download for people wanting to play but they have updated. (not sure if all servers are up to date.)
      1. Malicaii12
        All servers are up to date now, XDjzz :)
        Mar 6, 2012
    8. XDjzz
      just a question if the wilderness is NOT reset will the new biome be added?
      1. copherfield
        Mar 7, 2012
    9. Ruzzbug
      i only did the guesing thingo
    10. Ruzzbug
      justin i didn't spam did i?
    11. AtomicCookies
      Justin can you unban me cause I got a little to greedy on diamonds and decided to use x-ray texture pack
      (Which was very ignorant) instead of buying them for 55r at places(42r for diamonds at 10030 :D)
      then the results, getting banned by Green_Mystery so can you please unban me?My friend TrOlZoR12 and I were planning to play together on this server for months so can you please unban me?
      1. AtomicCookies
        His name is Jisko, he says he's 22 and is really 10 years old in real life, we go to the same school together in Murrieta,California we go to Alamos Elementary ,were in fifth grade.You probably wondering why we signed up if were not 13 it's just the server was so epic looking when I saw a video.
        Mar 6, 2012
      2. AtomicCookies
        And I still vote for this server even when banned . That's how much love his server so can you please unban me?
        Mar 6, 2012
    12. pipola
      Be patcian ( I know I spelled that wrong ) Justin is doing the best he can do =) Ill recite what I read in ne of his threads... it will be Smp2, 2 hours later it will then be Smp3, than 2 hours later it will be Smp4 being last. All done at around 11:45pm E.T School can wait!
      Hope I helped, Pipola =)
    13. fat147
      please update smp2 next
    14. lassia
      plz answer i have valuables in there and i wan to make sure i dont lose ems(ome friends do as well)
    15. lassia
      will the wild get reset? if so can we save a specific area?
      1. XDjzz
        i so hope we can claim land so that we keep it in updates :( i will loose 4 spawners if it does reset
        Mar 6, 2012
    16. WeirdManiac
      Since you updated smp1, utopia, and smp5 to test out, will you now update in order from smp2 to smp4 :D?
      1. JustinGuy
        smp2 and smp6 are currently being done, after that smp3 will be done then smp4. smp2 and smp6 could be done together because they are on separate physical servers
        Mar 5, 2012
      2. AtomicCookies
        Did the server clear all the (smp5) clear all the plots that were'nt used cause one day I was like yes! One open plot
        ~logs on~ "What no more plots!" ppl there 59/60
        -_-. Servers so busy!and awesome!
        Mar 6, 2012
    17. pop0924
      can you not destory my house at 4295 on server smp 2 i got on right before the update and then i got grounded for 2 weeks so could you just keep it up till 2 to 3 days after you update it thanks : )
    18. pipola
      one more thing =) I was wondering if you can update all of the servers, even tho the lag, and then convert them to your shiny new ones! At least if that done, people can go on and play =)
      Thanks for everything and sorry for all of the post, Pipola =)
    19. NoopSauce
      Can you update smp2 plz I really want to go back on
    20. pipola
      Hey, just curious, can you please update smp4? My addiction to it is getting woarse, if you know what im saying
      Regards Pipola =)
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