SMP8, you worry me.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Kephras, Aug 24, 2014.

  1. We feed off of each other's weirdness so it is a continuously growing quality within the community. I look forward to your book.
  2. Thanks. I can finally put my research education skills to something that I want to do. =P EDIT: I might put this in a separate forum post altogether. If I do, I'll post the link here. 2ND EDIT: If you want to help, please do. I need evidence straight from the horse's mouth, basically I want to get reasons from SMP8ians about why SMP8ians behave this way.
    Tuqueque likes this.
  3. Maybe you should just spend time on smp8 :p
    tuqueque1, Codygraw, Kephras and 2 others like this.
  4. I might. Gonna go to bed now, so bye!
    Tuqueque and kaptrix like this.
  5. Fashion alert for smp8 2015! Kat breaks out her fall fashion hunting accessory line! Bring your golem out on a fancy leash while hunting this fall :D

  6. The picture itself does not confuse me. But, the chat... Why would you want Kat to loo at you? :eek:
  7. I'm telling you Caden. Weird Kinks...
  8. Oh the day!
    Tuqueque and khixan like this.
  9. loo + k = look
    A "k" may or may not have gone missing while I was typing that. I have 3 pics with the back of Kat's head bc she was being all supermodel striking a pose.

    Maybe she was trying to "loo" at me though and my subconscious picked up on it. How worried should I be DubChef? Is "loo-ing" something the kids are all doing these days and I know nothing of it? Omg, should I google this?!? :confused:

    Get your Iron Golems on smp8! Let's go hunt! :D

    Disclaimer: I am not responsible for everyone dying when someone shoots an Iron Golem by mistake and we all get beaten to death in the waste. Fashion has its price!
  10. Whatever you do khix, DONT GOOGLE THIS! ;)
    Tuqueque, kaptrix and khixan like this.
  11. A (small) rant is required. So the past 2 weeks (I think, at least after my nice talk with Kephras) I got a real good look and feel for SMP8. Of course you need to be careful with comments like that because you can't "look" at a whole server like that. A server can be quite different at different times, so, yah. And don't get me started on a 'feel' for something ;)

    What I mean to say is that I got a good look at the true, the underlying, SMP8 and what lives there. I'm not going to summarize because some stuff has been said in private (not just between you and me Keph) and I'm very strict about my policy there. But I will say that it has become my opinion (and good luck trying to convince me otherwise!) that SMP8 is basically a very warm & kind community "inside" the EMC community. And I use those ""'s for a good reason because although they have their own (server related) issues they're still just as big a part of the EMC community as you and I are. But still; there is more to SMP8 than meets the eye.

    So why the rant? Well... How about "SMP8 takes care of their own". And in ways which I really considered to be impressive. What I mean with that? Yah, well, that's for you to find out dear anonymous reader :) Perhaps you could try spending more time on SMP8 yourself so you'll sooner or later can experience this also :)

    btw; it seems that the fair shop can go on for a little longer. Ever since my stop I paid closer attention and kept monitoring and also dedicated some of my votes. It's back up to full 30 day speed now so here's really hoping for the best.

    So why the rant? I just wanted to get it out of my system by saying that SMP8 is waaay more than a crazy server with crazy people (all meant in a positive way!). For starters; it's probably waaay more tight than any other servers out there. And that deserves some serious respect.

    Ahem, so, yah... Guess I did it again ;)

    As you were, move along, nothing to see here ;)
  12. I read this entire post twice and it still confused me :p It kind of feels like you're angry at someone, but at the same time it feels like you're complimenting someone.
  13. I am writing a book about smp8!
    tuqueque1 likes this.
  14. You shouldn't afk on smp8. :p
  15. I was "angry" (not really, more annoyed ) at myself and I am indeed complimenting the player who, despite heavy disappointment, played things fairly.

    Edit: Duh, I'll get back to you about this ;) This was my attempt to make a new entry in the "That moment when..." thread.

    "That moment when you respond to a post while having another post in mind". :oops:
    Tuqueque likes this.
  16. "Caden, why would you ignore my warning!?"
  17. As you can see in le pic, caden is deciding whether or not to leave his booth to get a hug from me

  18. Look closely…. at chat :D smp8...
    Tuqueque likes this.