EMC Being offencive to younger players through ONE quote

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by HudsonGamingYT, Jul 11, 2015.

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  1. i wonder where u read that. the server maybe run by adults, but the community mostly runs itself. the only time staff gets officially involved is if some1 breaks the rules.

    so who claims they are?
    Agent_Creeper23 likes this.
  2. Oh my.

    I am anything but an adult. I am nowhere near being an adult. I've still got quite a few years ahead of me before I can become a certified adult in Canada who can vote, drink, buy cigarettes, et cetera. I joined this server when I was nine years old. I was truly a noob - if you had given me a server to run when I was nine, I would never have been able to manage it. This is not because I was nine. It's because I was immature as a nine year old should be.

    Yes, there is examples when it comes down to maturity rather than age. However, that has no effect on whether or not the server is run by adults. Because, let's face the truth right here:

    Aikar is an adult.
    Maxarias is an adult.
    Krysyyjane9191 is an adult.

    These people are the people that run the server. What do they all have in familiar?

    They are 100% adults.

    I don't mean to be rude here, but allow us to face the music together - the server is and will be run by adults.
    Deadmaster98, PenguinDJ and NathanRP like this.
  3. Not all staff are over 18. There is the odd case here and there where someone under 18 will be offered a staff position. Anyone under 16 getting moderator has only happened once, though.
    Deadmaster98 and cadenman2002 like this.
  4. I liked your post because I think in general that it is a good thing if people speak their mind. Even if that opinion / suggestion / etc. might clash with others.

    Having that out of the way I also think you should keep in mind that the way you perceive a message doesn't have to be the same as the writer intended it. And sometimes you should also look at yourself if you could have picked something up in the wrong way.

    Finally: if you feel this strongly about something then do make sure that it becomes obvious what post you meant. I'd be happy to go over it with a very skeptical look but... Your post doesn't exactly tell us what offended you.
  5. I too find that quite weird. However, in my post, I was referencing the administrators rather than the staff team as a whole.
    Deadmaster98 likes this.
  6. Although Aikar is 12, the server is pretty much completely run by adults. It's not an offensive thing, it's just a fact. For example, I could say that the sky is blue, or Maxarias is a potato, and it would be just as true. :)
  7. [NOTICE] This is my opinion and is not a personal attack on anyone's skill.

    That is the truth. This server is run and managed by adults.
    But that does not mean that this is a terrible thing. For instance, the team of developers for EMC create many amenities that many other servers would not be able to create because many kids do not possess the knowledge to "create" and code many of the things that are exclusive to the Empire Servers.

    Some of the things that the adult team were able to make that would be a lot more difficult to be maintained by kids [Again, this is my OPINION] are the:

    - Special Bosses [Marlix, Momentus, etc.]
    - Enraged Mobs [Enraged Skeletons, Creepers, Zombies]
    - The personalized town in which EVERY PLAYER* gets a plot of land
    *I put this part in caps to emphasize that with servers ran and maintained by kids, they may only give plots of land and other special privileges to their friends.
    - Town run activities [FNM, Firefloor, Mob Arena, etc.]
    - The Forums and each person's individual forum account
    - The rupee system around which the entire EMC community is based upon
    - Promos

    Furthermore, a lot of the moderation staff are Adults. They are adults for a reason. Adults know what words to use to diffuse tense arguments between two players. Moderators know what punishments to use at the after disobeying minor rules [Muting the player for 10 mins], and then if the situation escalates after multiple warnings from the mod, temp bans all the way to perm. bans will be given.

    The reason I said all of this is because sometimes kids will not look too deeply into the situation before administering a punishment. Many kids side with their friends, and do not look fully at an issue.

    Adults have more life experience with dealing with other people, which is one of the reasons that the EMC community is able to run smoothly.
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  8. As a child, I have made something like these before. They're obviously nothing like the stuff you can find on EMC, but it's the same concept. The file is sitting somewhere on GitHub, unreleased and mostly untested :p

    That made me laugh - probably a bit more than it should have >.>
    PenguinDJ and NathanRP like this.
  9. Another thing to note is emc pays taxes. I am not sure many kids will know how to do that and even more by how emc pays over 2k per month for server fees.
  10. Quite contrary to that.
    Adults are almost always treated far worse than younger players.

    So really, you shouldn't take any of fence here.

    BTW, don't think that reaching some age makes one immune to doing most childishly stupid things.
    It does not.

  11. Source or something? I believe you when you say EMC pays taxes, just never thought they'd pay $2k a month. Aren't taxes done each year anyway?
  12. The taxes are annual and apply to business expenses. It'd be more accurate to say that Aikar pays taxes, which includes the calculations for income / expense of running EMC.
    The server fees & upkeep are a different matter, and only figure into the "taxes" bit as far as being a business expense goes.
  13. Taxes are one thing. I am a child and I pay taxes, as I make a certain amount of money that makes me eligible to pay taxes and other things related to them (tax refunds, etc.)

    However, I do agree that it would be difficult for a child to pay the amount required to run such a complex server.
  14. This is my opinion I speak for no others but myself.

    "I'm offended" is the battle cry of those who lack the emotional, or social maturity to properly process whatever it is they were just offended by.
    "I'm offended" is the muttering of those who are so self important they read personal attack into anything that could be construed to be not in their favor.
    "I'm offended" is the insipid rambling of those that lack the cognitive skills to realise they are just pouting because someone else has a different opinion, then them.

    And all that above is truly saddening, because all that nonsensical immaturity, self importance, and lack of reasoning skills floods the world drowning out those things that really are damagingly offensive, and should be addressed.

    If you experience something and it angers you, you were not offended.
    If you experience something and it hurts you, you were offended. Now look at the context and see if it was intentional.

    For those that this post angers, Sorry it wasn't personal I don't even know you I have no way of knowing what categoryI listed that you may or may not fit into. Relax.
    For those of you that get what I am trying to convey Thank you.
  15. Psst, I think he gets it... No need to bash around this thread.. The only thing that had to be said was that the server is being run by mature adults..
    bitemenow15 likes this.
  16. You cannot imagine the joy those words bring to my shriveled, black little heart.
  17. The odds are slim that he even reads his thread again. He posted this thread and signed off the site a minute later so this was more of a advertising a IP then stating something.
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