Staff and Teams monument

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by ChespinLover77, Jun 12, 2015.

  1. I will get some of these for you tonight!
    Chespinlover77 likes this.
  2. Thank you that would be greatly appreciated
  3. The list... It's so long...
    The JustinGuy head at 18200 is someone's alt, it's not actually Justin's real head, the real ones do not exist :) The ICC one is real, however :D
    Chespinlover77 likes this.
  4. I have a SnowyBearr head. :3
    Chespinlover77 likes this.
  5. Will you donate it please? :D
  6. Alright guys I know this might be hard to believe but yes I do in fact have a Depayy head which I would be willing to trade for an original dragon egg, although I am getting ripped off in this deal I'd be happy to do it :D
    iFlyinFish likes this.
  7. You forgot the new staff. They probably want a monument too! :)
    Chespinlover77 likes this.
    1. You're not on a team or on the staff team so I don't think Chespin is looking for the Depayy head
    2. There's only a handful of original dragon eggs, no chance ;)
    Nice try though, Depayy :p
  8. It was worth a shot :p I'd be happy to donate it FYI Chespin :)
    iFlyinFish and FDNY21 like this.
  9. I'm jus to lazy ATM lol
  10. If you're going to continue to bump the thread then I recommend updating it :D
    Chespinlover77 likes this.
  11. And remember that all staff/teams are subject to change at any time...

    That's why the sphinx staff room has no names below the rank of Senior Staff.
    ww2fan168 likes this.
  12. Updated
    FDNY21 likes this.
  13. Just a quick note that you've got JackBiggin on both new staff and on retired staff still ;)
    Chespinlover77 likes this.
  14. I got on to see if you had a donation box somewhere but didn't see any.
    Chespinlover77 likes this.
  15. I think many people simply use the /mail send system now to donate items. :)
    Chespinlover77 likes this.
  16. I'll set one up soon (jus for you ;). )
  17. Had forgot it existed, haven't been on in over a year. :p
    FDNY21 likes this.
  18. You forgot Aikar under dev team. :p
  19. ...