What is happening now.... Computer is going through reset. Will be finished in a couple of hours. going to be a pain transferring files back on my computer but I will have a better virus protection plus the new knowledge to not be stupid.
Malware bytes is free and is really good. AVAST and AVG are also really good anti-virus programs. Highly recommend those two. And never EVER download something if you don't know what it is, or if you haven't scanned it before hand. Same with emails. If you don't know who it's from and it has an attachment, DON'T OPEN THE EMAIL (at all, not just the attachment, but the whole email).
McAfee is not so great. I would link you to the video of the original creator of McAfee (it was good at one point) explaining why you shouldn't use McAfee and how to uninstall it, but it is quite inappropriate lol. Avast Free is what I would use. Just avoid activating any free trials on it.
Yup, that or AVG. McAfee really isn't so good anymore. No offence to you, scary stuffed animotronic or whatever thing (how should I call you? xD), just trying to help