[WAR] The SMP wars

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by CaptainFoxy_, May 21, 2015.

  1. I understand that, but you always seem to have.. made up (?) solutions to everything we try to do.
    Again, please correct me if I'm wrong.
    tuqueque likes this.
  2. Yeah, don't make stuff out of nothing, please inform them in previous post, like i did here... basically support your weapons/tactics that currently come out of nothing with previous post so they are more credible/realistic
  3. If you continue, then you will be cited from breaking the rules of godmoding.
    Defne_The_Boss likes this.
  4. This is... complicated. Gawadrolt withdraws from the war to work on secret science projects with the elite of (secret) smp on developing the means to pacify instigators through frequency weapon technology. The casualties have grown too much for me to be able rationalze further conflict, may peace be with you EMC.

    Edit: the only rules i could really see is you cant: smp(#) obliterates all other smps with (god weapon) and takes over EMC. lets keep it friendly and one up, be creative and have fun with this thread, not perpetuate butt hurt over a thread that almost by definition is: make upthe rules as you go. Kthnxbai
  5. With previous posts edit: gawadrolt and friends establish smp 10 and destroy all other smps with its new God weapon and take over EMC... XD
  6. Congrats, for winning the war, you win a brand new car!
    That, kids, if what exactly not to do. (If you plan on staying in the game, of course)
    Disclaimer; You did not actually win the war, nor did you win a new car
    tuqueque likes this.
  7. Didn't realize it was a game, thought it was entertainment and I came armed and ready to deliver :-P
    f_Builder_s likes this.
  8. I honestly think smp4 don't care that smp3 has enslaved them and are forcing them to mine all the resources for shipment back to smp3...
  9. smp6 will ally with anyone and let them use what they have
  10. Smp6 will use its superior tech and defenses and its secret weapon if no one signs the treaty we have the capability of taking down electronic powers and shield you have been warbned
    IronicSwordPlay likes this.
  11. SMP2 And SMP1 The great economy bearers shall take down SMP9. Our defences are undefeateble the Force Field systems are of pure energy Nothing can penetrate it. With our armoured suits and our high class guns we shall take down the SMP9 The weak and poor DISTRICT! SMP2 Today SMP2 Tomorrow SMP2 Forever!!!! Whoooo Hahhhh Whoooo haa whoooooo HAAAAAAAAAAA
    IronicSwordPlay and f_Builder_s like this.
  12. smp8 has captured 2 smp7 infiltrates from our research labs in smp9. We confirm that they took the second prototype for deactivating negative misiles and a sound misile(if you did not see hulk, well im sorry) that we were planning to use in smp6 civil war.these were sent through a telenstransportation device they had
    IronicSwordPlay likes this.
  13. We will ally with you you can use smp4 as a staging base to help us (all resources there are yours) :D
  14. Smp7 has allowed smp6 access to our negative energy harvester.

    Warning: do not overuse!
    f_Builder_s likes this.
  15. We can cancel out your shields with negative energy.
    tuqueque likes this.
  16. Smp7 begins research on dimensions beyond the fourth and Terraforming the moon into a refugee camp.
    The laser cannon is moved to our hidden planet.
  17. Again, it seems you are leaning towards god moding.
    And also once again; Correct me if I'm wrong. =P
    tuqueque likes this.
  18. It seems like you think everything I post is god moding. I dont think thats right....

    Also, negative energy is the opposite of normal energy so....
  19. smp6 seeks alliance with others
  20. *playing cards with blackknight*
    *looks up at blackknight*
    Got a fish?
    BlackKnight1021 likes this.