Random Screenshot Thread!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hoi, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Will you put the video up somewhere? :)
  2. So I've been playing with some mods recently, one of which being Optifine, so I then wondered how my game would look with a texture pack. Esp. because Optifine would be able to enhance things a little.


    smp2 spawn with Chromahills texture pack & Voxelmap mod (the mini map)

    I think this looks quite spectacular, esp. the mini map adds quite a bit of awesomeness here.
  3. so i started building my army today >:3

  4. I totally did not set off the Hashog Trap on Caden's res, Totally
  5. Yes it will be put up on youtube i already have 14 episode's of empire minecraft up, it should be up within the next week :)
    607 and IronicSwordPlay like this.
  6. A spider jockey with an enchanted bow! What are the chances?
  7. lol those bunny ears in the corner xD
  8. According to the minecraft wiki a spider has 37% chance (wut... Thats more than I thought) to spawn with a skeleton on him, and the enchsnted bow has chances according to your difficulty (I dont know about the EMC /ps difficulties, but I mean the vanilla minecraft ones which you can see with f3), I think I get about 1/6th. That brings you to 6% of every spider. That sounds as alot now lol
    Patr1cV and IronicSwordPlay like this.
  9. The Minecraft Wiki says a spider has a 1% chance of having a skeleton riding it. Idk where you got 37% from. :confused:

  10. Got bored, so logged into all my alts and took a screenshot ^_^
    Defne_The_Boss, 607 and ShelLuser like this.
  11. A mad Man lives inside Tardis.jpg
    607 likes this.
  12. The minecraft wiki :/, I thought it was too high too, I really dont know then :3
    Edit: I checked and it surely said 37%, then I figured out you can chsnge language (finally! No bad grammar anymore :p) and in English it said 1%...
    Fail, Ill send the edit request.
    Patr1cV and Uber_Corq like this.
  13. Gawadrolt likes this.
  14. Underneath an ocean monument obviously
  15. now there are golden zombies running around smp3 :)
    2015-05-09_10.33.06.png 2015-05-09_10.34.28.png
    ShelLuser and pantherarron77 like this.
  16. This zombies on fire! 2015-05-12_19.03.13.png
  17. pantherarron77 likes this.
  18. yes in the second picture that is you
    pantherarron77 likes this.