Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2015 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2015.

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  1. That picture is broken. It is obviously a lie.
    607 and cadenman2002 like this.
  2. 607 and cadenman2002 like this.
    Olaf_C, yankees518, 607 and 2 others like this.
  4. You should always do duck lips in your post lol it lacks ducks a bit lol but you got swag
    ItsMeMatheus likes this.
  5. thank youu<3
  6. All of your SnapChat stories are stud like too, You be the only model where you live I see.
    darksuperlord and tomijo95 like this.
  7. Beautiful eyes.
    quiltingnanny likes this.
  8. Snapshot_20150505.JPG

    Yep that is me alright lol
    I tried to take this on my laptop so give me a break lol

  9. .stare... But....... But....!.Where did your wiggly ears, eyepatch, and toothy grin go?! I.. I.. feel so confused, now... This isn't a trick is it? I won't look away, then be stuffed into a giant mechanical teddy bear... Never to escape?!
    x7mx, brizee24, southpark347 and 3 others like this.
  10. *cough, cough* I believe the "giant mechanical teddy bear" is called Freddy...
    clan23 likes this.
  11. Also, I just realized most people who posted here are Caucasians... hmm... maybe I might change that some time...
  12. That was I before I was stuffed in a Foxy costume xD

    Nah I am actually enjoying life so I am not stuck for sure lol!
    I only stuff my player in a costume(skin) But there shall be no stuffing of me
    At least someone knows hehe
    Aphaea and RyugaXI like this.
  13. I think his picture and avatar look quite similar. :D
  14. The grin and the ears 'kinda'
    brizee24 and Aphaea like this.
  15. Oh.. em... GEE!! I know what it is.. He is foxy wearing a temporary human suit.

  16. brizee24 likes this.
  17. Ok, so I've finally decided that this is overdue. I've had a fun time seeing what many of my EMC friends look like. Some are exactly as I pictured, some surprised me. But now it's time for you all to see... me! (Hooray for washed-out cellphone pictures. :p)

    This one is from a few months ago. I promise I am not strangling my cat, it was just really hard to get her to stop head-butting me long enough to snap a pic. :D

    And another more recent one.
  18. Your hair is so beautiful! :eek:
    Kalia1784 and generalfelino015 like this.
  19. I am back with a new puppy! image.jpg
  20. Might have been mine lol
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