Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by MsPikaBoo, May 4, 2015.

  1. OK, dis is getting off topic.
  2. ;-;
  3. Wow. Kudos to you. =P
  4. Very off topic.
    I think we have to get back on the track now. :(
  5. i like everything
    if i get anything im always happy
    don't even care what it is :p
    but i like promos and rares :p
  6. ^ This.
    That was a lie. Promos.
  7. what? :rolleyes:
  8. Hard-to-obtain promos =P

    but for a skin competition i'd rather named cleverly named items...
  9. You walk in all optimistic and ready to get anything. But me? Promos.
  10. Oh boy! Better go ask hash to hand over his builders wand and give that out as a prize! ;):)

    Edit: Would you like a marriage fish?
  11. lol :p
    some optimism is good :p
  12. I never said it wasn't. ;)
    But hey, I prefer saying my glass is both half full and half empty. :D
    frogy0258 likes this.
  13. i would love a builder's wand xD
    i also got seffy's fish of marriage but thank you haha
  14. It's an smp8 thing, don't worry about it ;)
  15. Nothing, nothing xD
    just remember to tell us when the skin competition is =P
    or is this a giveaway forum in itself?
  16. I'll renember for sure
    just keep checking for follow ups
  17. Off the wall, unusual items/blocks give a boost to surprise factor. Having only "promos" and "gems" all the time gets pretty stale, IMO. :)
  18. Cool! Thanks for doing this