Smp7, you worry me

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by emfs_ad, Mar 22, 2015.

  1. Nope.
  2. The attraction is actually two obsidian arenas with no entrance, and I have no idea what they're used for.
    You can visit them with /exp
  3. LOL, I was on there when she said that. Im popular :D
    SilverCrownn likes this.
  4. Is that really on the res? A video on youtube said you could get banned for building those...
    cadenman2002 likes this.
  5. Considering residence 1844 does not exist, I'm not sure what to say. But, however, yes, you can be punished by staff for building explicit things on residences. =P
    607 likes this.
  6. It's good to see that servers are weird in proportion to the time I spend on them. Started on SMP7 for those who didn't know... And it's jokes are clearly as far in the past as was my res there. WHOAAAAAAH. That was like... before Nether Quartz, so that's old :p

    Regardless, I'll look through my old desktop. I'm sure I have screenshots of SMP7 chat somewhere.
  7. I dont see the screenshots...
  8. You don't know how much junk is on my old desktop, both literally and within the drives.

    Edit: And my desktop's apparently so old that it won't even upload the one picture I could scavenge... >.>
    607 likes this.
  9. ...
  10. SMP7 gets one weird point from me. :) However, SMP8 still has the title until this thread manages to catch up to it in size. :p
    Kephras and AmusedStew like this.
  11. I posted that on the random screenshot thread.
  12. *looks through screenshots and realizes that smp8 really is tame and he doesn't want to get banned*
  13. Aww yeah! Love SMP7, and it's definitely the weirdest server! The conversations seem to sway from one awkward topic to another!! XD
  14. Should get some of my finer moments then you will count 7 as weird.
  15. Screen Shot 2015-05-01 at 10.30.17 am.png
    on Smp6 we have carried on smp8's tradition of sharing the fish of marriage
    Seffychan and Kephras like this.