i still havent updated it xD that was from my first 50 days when i was Only on smp4, before i even knew there were other servers LOL smp4 was like the wild west. I don't remember seeing a Single ban/kick or even a staff at all tbh. LOL
Questions: Does a one legged duck swim in circles? Do bears poop in the wood? Is a frogs butt watertight? Also please explain your reasoning.
howdy oh yeah forgot about skares dumbgood questions probably Where else wood they poop? xD Probably mane this aint school i aint gotta explain shit
ha, ha, awesome. I know you've been around, I think we also talked a few times in game already, but hey.. I really like the idea of the "belated introduction" as I call it. SO lets start off... Welcome to the Empire Infinite! (lol, said the relatively newcomer to the oldtimer ) Seriously: that is so cool I think. When it comes to alt's I have a very outspoken opinion about them and I think that the acceptation of alts and staff allowing us to have and use them is totally awesome. Because when played right I believe that having alts can really spice things up for you. And I'm not simply talking about the obvious things such as the extra residence(s) and sign on bonus and such. I'm talking about something much more important: gameplay. When done right the gameplay can benefit soo very much from alts. I've been there where I was convinced that I was dealing with a real person and it ended up to be someone completely different. I only found out when the original player mentioned that he was going to stop using the other. That moment of complete surprise; where you learn that the person you've been (briefly) talking to was actually someone completely different.. I know that not everyone may react positively to it, but I really liked it. Esp. when keeping the effort in mind that went into it all. SO yah, when I see you talk about alts and some who might even be better known then I cannot help say that I like it Then I jumped to conclusions above, shame on me. I should have done that completely different.. Welcome to your 500days on the Empire, I hope you have enjoyed your stay! Ha, ha, cool.. Say, just curious: did the in-game registration command already exist by then or was that still something in the making? I'm referring to the command where you can register an account on the forums while you're in the game... Anyway, as said, be briefly met a few times in the game and I can say that it has always been my pleasure talking to you and just goofing around a little bit (in chat). Thanks for the introduction, I really enjoyed reading it because it also gives us somewhat newer players some interesting things to read about (if you're interested in EMC history that is, which I am).
Nope lol, I had to sign up through the site, and signing up gave no rewards I can remember. That idea was not even thought of when I joined lol, JustinGuy was still the owner of EMC and the server was in 1.4.7
Times have changed my friend. Also, that was a joke lol, they said it Every day for like a month straight xD