The current thinking is to get a decent camcorder at 1080p with 60FPS and get a good optical zoom. I'm trying to find some good ones at the lowest prices, but I'm being careful not to sacrifice any quality and zoom However, someone in my family has a DSLR so I'll be able to look at that and see how it is. My thinking is that the camcorder is currently the favourite but if the DSLR is better than I think and I want to spend a bit more money then I'll go for that, but for now, we're getting closer but we'll see
My friend did say that DSLR is better, but owning a DSLR causes you to have to buy new lenses, and other new stuff to go with it. He did not recommend anything to me, but said that camcorders are better if you dont want to spend alot.
Most come with a kit lens, which is a very basic lens, usually 18-55mm. 18-55mm lenses don't really zoom but are good for all-around photography (Mostly still objects, not animals, which can be hard to approach)
My friend is a photo guru, and when he said you need to buy extra lens you probably dont. Just in his nature that he recommends that stuff because it is what he has for his cameras.
There are a lot of lenses you can get; macro, telephoto, wide angle, etc. You don't really need these unless you really get into it, though,
Camcorders sound like the best option at this point, but I'll have a look at the DSLR later on to see how it handles. I suppose I just need something that can take good video and nothing much more at this stage, and of course, something with good optical zoom too This is sort of my introduction to the real camera world so I guess this is a starting point anyway (just using phone at the minute), and I'll be able to get something better in the future, maybe even a DSLR but I'm not sure how that will handle for video yet
Your photos of cars that you have been uploading look great, even though you are using the iPhone. I think you could continue to use that for pictures, and a GoPro (or Muvi HD NPNG which I highly recommend as it is much cheaper ) for video. If you really get into photography, I would then move up to a DSLR, which has great quality and even if you are a begginner, you have lots of room to grow with a DSLR.
I intended to carry on using the iPhone and that's why I can focus my efforts on video with this next camera, so therefore the camcorder may go well with that
I've found this DSLR which may actually be what I want. It does 1080p videos at 30 frames per second and has 16MP stills. It's called the Nikon Coolpix L830, it's entry level but it has great zoom and may do what I want it to do... Thoughts?
Are you sure it's a DSLR? It doesn't have interchangeable lenses, and most do. The D series, or any of the Canon rebels are really good and more room to grow It looks like a more complex point and shoot but I'm not sure
Hmm, you might be right there actually. I didn't know that it wasn't interchangeable... That's put a spanner in the works
The Nikon Coolpix L830 is a point and shoot, so for now, I'm keeping my options open and looking around. Still could go either way - a DSLR or camcorder, or even this point and shoot. I'll be evaluating by working with my grandad's DSLR and also looking in a camera shop to see what there is, what's best for price, what I can get and so on... If anyone else has any good ideas then please message here though
Next weekend is when I'll be filming with my granddad's DSLR to see what it is like. Hopefully I'll be able to get down to the photography shop sometime after that!
My dad got out his original SLR from when he was younger. He used to take pictures with it down the track that I go to now where I hope to do my videos and photos! He doesn't have any of the photos but he has this camera. The lens is stiff (but will move with adequate, okay, lots of force) and the camera produces a line over photos that you take when the film is printed so it isn't perfect anymore but after testing it out a bit, it does look to be pretty decent for taking pictures if you get used to it. So, it's not going to work unless we recondition this old one, but here's a picture anyway!