Let's Have a Mindless Conversation

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Hapzard, Mar 8, 2015.

  1. You fell into my trap; there's reasoning behind your post ;)

    And by posting this I can say the same for mine, so I think we're even :)

    So to the OP I have to ask: African or European mind?
  2. Now now ladies, there's plenty of me to go around. No need to fight.
    607 likes this.
  3. No need to talk to the mirror bruh.
    btw Rosy is loney.
  4. Great way to dismiss that.
    Kephras likes this.
  5. I thought so :D
    Let us avoid talk of mirrors.
    ShelLuser likes this.
  6. Well, I see you are trying to put aside my attitude, and I don't blame you.
    I know this is family here, so we won't continue in a negative aspect towards you. ;)
    Kephras likes this.
  7. "Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.

    ...Also, I'm not wearing pants."
    Just trying to keep things lighthearted and fun ^_~
    ShelLuser likes this.
  8. Ah. very funny Kephras, Today is Good Friday.
    I've Been dealing with a chronic severe pain condition for 18 months, and regardless of what you or anyone thinks.
    Your snarky remarks are but dust in the wind, and I won't take it serious, because you know nothing of what is able to come.
  9. Besides my life isn't concerned of this thread. So It's been dismissed. Regardless of whatever the subject is.
  10. Agreed, this is rapidly veering towards srs-bsns territory, which has no place in this thread. I'm not deliberately snarking you, just trying to keep things fun for people and lighten the mood - would hate to see things turn mean or hostile for no reason.
    On a personal note though, I do sympathize - I've been coping with severe leg pain for about the same length of time, and that's currently on top of having whatever spring plague is circulating at the moment. But we can't let that get us down. :)

    Easter is coming. Prepare the kitten bouquet!
    607 and ChickenDice like this.
  11. You seem like a very nice person, so I won't interject.
    Otherwise I'd cut you up easy.
    Regardless, you are obviously intelligent enough to understand this perspective. I'm glad to be able to talk to others on EMC without holding some grudge. I'm glad you were so easily to dismiss what you started knowing it was only joking. Like I said I don't post much, because I might say the wrong thing and get in trouble, and obviously I got a lot to risk losing.
    But hey, shit aside, if you really want to argue with someone PM Me on here, and tell me the subject and I'll tell you my Skype name and we can chat. :)
    Kephras likes this.
  12. Maybe I can learn something :)
    Kephras likes this.

  13. /lulz
    (I am joking, if it weren't readily obvious.)

    In other news, I regret using imgur for my Kerbal Space Program career log.
  14. So you managed the fun part. I actually laughed out loud here ;)

    This is a mindless conversation and rest assured: if Kephras would have wanted to make snarky remarks they'd be targeted at me, or so I think. At least there'd be some reason for it. But I don't see any. What I'm saying here is: careful, what you may pick up as something addressing you may very well have been posted without any intend of the sort.

    Of course, I looked both of you up and both of you have been on EMC much longer than me. So I cannot comment on history. But even though I've known Kephras much shorter than you... what you describe here doesn't match with my ideas / opinion about him. Just my 2 cents mind you.

    Alas.. lets try to get back to our mindless topic (which would mean that anything is ontopic including this). Could I have been out of my mind to write all this up? If so; its ontopic again, right?

    PS: Why do I get the feeling to be waaay after the facts? :)
    Kephras likes this.
  15. Sorry to inform you, but using imgur and Lion King to present your comment isn't a bad thing. I'm a huge fan of both, and yes it's a challenge. No disrespect intended either.
  16. Ok obviously you are a very intelligent person.
    Look, I'm just bullshitin on a thread, which is something I don't do often.
    I understand you want to be very correct and understanding to everyone, but look I'm just messing around. Like I said I don't post much, so I guess I have the expectation to be taken serious if I do post. I'm sorry if I leave that expectation. Just because I might have a good status on here, doesn't mean I can't pretend to be a joker.
    At least let me try to have some fun sometimes, I take things seriously everyday and it's boring. K thanks :)
    607 and ShelLuser like this.
  17. Not around these times I'm not <burp> But I don't have any problems with making a possible fool out of myself if it can help defuse a possible weird situation ;)

    Then the joke is on me. Because then you acted more in the spirit of this thread than I did :) Told ya (see ^ there).

    Well, we all should be proud; we managed to derail this thread pretty quickly (more or less) :D

    Next time lets try to sell fries and popcorn before opening the can of... stuff and we'd have some extra rupees too :)
    607 and Kephras like this.
  18. Apparently you adapted to the EMC environment very fast, I'm glad you did.
    It's nice to be able to talk to someone who isn't some hardcore know it all.
    Just like how I liked your introduction into EMC, I like you being here ShelLuser.
    You are the type of person who helps EMC GROW.
    I'm just one of those mushrooms, who enjoys the game. :)
    607 and Kephras like this.