The CGR accepts. The Communist German Republics start researching how to make the German trains run faster, as well as trying to find a way to merge with what is known as "West Germany".
If this game makes it to 14,884 posts (744 pages), and nobody has claimed West Germany, then you get it. By that point, under the 1 post = 1 day rule, it will be 3rd October 1990, the date of German reunification. If someone claims West Germany before then, you will need to negotiate a sovereignty arrangement, where you will act as the one country, and both of you will need to approve each action your united German state will make.
name of nation: Francepopulation: 42,829,000political ideology: Democracy economic ideology: Communism (for the political and economic ideology, I'm not entirely sure if they're correct - I tried to do some research but I'm not 100% sure)
Switzerland joins the Cosmopolitan Community. Switzerland is now researching ATV's to be used by parts of the military stationed in and along The Alps. (5 turns)
Accepted. Worry not about whether they're correct or not - there's no right or wrong! For example, you could have a centrally planned economy which is actually under democratic control and not controlled by an oligarchy or a dictator, and describe it as a 'communist democracy'. That's one way of justifying it, but you're not required to. The UFDR welcomes France and invites them to the Cosmopolitan Community. The UFDR extends a formal welcome to Switzerland to the Cosmopolitan Community!
The CGR, while researching new trains(how long should that take?), has also decided it should become a European superpower. Plans are written up for this.
The UFDR reminds the USA and France about joining the Cosmopolitan Community. Still interested guise?
France declines the invitation due to the majority of the population being opposed to being in a community with Communist German Republics, since France recently fought against Axis.