[Event] Waste destroying party 2

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by DarkModFallen, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. ill be mumlbing with you to breezy :)
    EffinBatman and BreezyMan like this.
  2. I may. I'll have to see.
    BreezyMan likes this.
  3. edited main post
  4. Along with tools you might want to bring a water bucket or potions of fire resistance to attempt to save yourself and property from those unexpected lava baths we all love so much. :p
    Dramanya, EffinBatman and AnonReturns like this.
  5. There is some things you should never go into the waste without, fire res potions, empty buckets, and enderpearls.
    BreezyMan and AnonReturns like this.
  6. Armor
    Multiple Pickaxes
    A minimum of 1 shovel
    A Sword
    Speed potions (splash if you'e taking a horse)
    Fast donkeys / mules
    EffinBatman likes this.
  7. Going to start prepping the site tonight. I believe this will be another smp6 dig unless someone has a great biome close to spawn on another server ?
  8. SMP3 has an extreme hills biome, i believe. Near /waste s
    Chespinlover77 likes this.
  9. Bump. Happening tomorrow. Be prepared!!
    BreezyMan likes this.
  10. I'd like to propose that if any spawners are found during the dig that they be deactivated and preserved so that they could be made into public XP grinders or a faux mob arena :p if enough are found for the duration of this waste's lifetime.
  11. That's a great idea.
    BreezyMan likes this.
  12. id rlly like to do one of these in the wild not for the materials (cause those are usually mined up) but for the free building space on what wont be reset. also a big enough one of these in the nether is a literal gold mine
  13. Bite send me a message make it so I can invite other people we will talk to you about it.
  14. Ill TRY to be there don't know about my wifi situation (on a vacation) but if i don't make you peeps have fun :)
    EffinBatman likes this.
  15. Thanks metboy the last one was amazing.
  16. Sounds like a lot of fun, but at last, I'm working, so I'll just wish you all hole lot of fun. ;)
  17. I see what you did there
  18. coming soon !!
  19. Sounds fun, hopefully I'm done fixing my bed b4 the party starts :p
    EffinBatman likes this.