[EVENT] Krysyy's Monday Madness Vote Poll

Discussion in 'Empire Events' started by Krysyy, Mar 23, 2015.


Vote for your choice of event:

Poll closed Mar 23, 2015.
Netherspleef @ /smp1 8 vote(s) 8.0%
Death Event @ /smp3 27 vote(s) 27.0%
Firefloor @ /smp4 9 vote(s) 9.0%
PvP Fight @ /smp6 12 vote(s) 12.0%
Scavenger Hunt @ /smp2 44 vote(s) 44.0%
  1. Im waiting for death event to make a comeback....
    FDNY21 likes this.
  2. Lol I tried to find that earlier and failed. It's getting an emc short link tonight =P
    Perry_Stahlsis likes this.
  3. Sounds great, I'm guessing either time.emc.gs or emc.gs/time?
  4. Both are the same =P
    And yeah...i typed that earlier and didn't realize it wasn't set up.
    ItsMeMatheus likes this.
  5. I won't be able to be there, but I voted nonetheless!
    I hope you'll have fun! :)
  6. Next time there is an event like this I hope it is a death event.
  7. We death eventers still have an hour and fifteen minutes! We can do it! I know we can... :D
  8. Just remember that day on SMP2... Aikar was testing out machine gun sallies :p

    It turned into matching gun Marlixes and then he spawned like 50 of them :p
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  9. Do not think I was active at that time lol, but I remember all the death events we used to have.... netherstars were sooooo cheap day after event xD
    boozle628 likes this.
  10. i voted for smp2 because that is a server i wont be on, im hoping this wont effect my ability to afk :)
  11. I will link you to the thread... It is ancient history by now.
  12. >.> You were supposed to vote for death event. :p
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  13. Lol, yeah there are things in place to prevent an economy crash due to a death event. We still are lenient with some, but it's not nearly as crazy economy-wrecking as it used to be.
    crystaldragon13 likes this.
  14. I like it when staff ruins the economy.... more death. :)
  15. Ask anyone that has been to a recent death event, there is still death and tons of it...just less free handout items. Not every wither spawns with a netherstar, etc...Releasing 100 nether stars into the economy doesn't do any good.
    AmusedStew likes this.
  16. Scavenger Hunt is the winner!
    ItsMeMatheus likes this.
  17. What is the scavenger hunt like and is it in Town or Wild?
    Lockdown32 likes this.
  18. I hope it is in the wild.
    karatekick2001 likes this.
  19. It is in the wild.

    How it works (as far as I remember... I was at the first one but that was like agessss ago) is you must bring your own tools. Chests will be hidden around the place everywhere, I believe the one I went to Krysyy was giving hints? Idk. But you have to dig around and try to find stuff, once you find a chest there can be a number of things (mostly vouchers as far as I remember).

    If I am telling him anything wrong, please correct me xD
    karatekick2001 and Lockdown32 like this.