YouAreMinecraft [EVENT]

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Green_Mystery, Apr 13, 2012.

  1. added stuff to mine 2012-04-14_16.33.11.png 2012-04-14_16.33.11.png 2012-04-14_16.33.40.png
    yankees518 and hayleycolgan like this.
  2. New weapon for Jeb to add, is it? :p
    SecretAznEks and ISMOOCH like this.
  3. i would LOVE if he did
  4. similar to the future banhammer addition i hear is coming ;)
    SecretAznEks and hayleycolgan like this.
  5. Wouldn't we all? Although, could take the fun out of PVP....
  6. how?
  7. It would be funny if it like.. knocked your player out for a second so that your opponent could get another whackin before you run away. xD
  8. I dunno. I really don't know. Gimme a second....
  9. LOL
  10. Platypus told me about this a while back, but my memory has misplaced it -until now.
  11. Here is mine

    He is the drummer for the Death Metal group, Endermen Apocalypse

    Me with my fake me

    This is not my real Minecraft skin
    AlexChance and zSlumDog like this.
  12. I'm on now, anyone on?
  13. I think everyone was on when this was posted - there was like 9 of us. Including Smooch, who we kept teasing cos he couldn't ban us ;P
  14. And I was having fun because I could use caps :D
    AlexChance likes this.
  15. Ahh, the joy of making your avatar in game! Here's mine and my sister's. Nobody built around us yet! :rolleyes:

    Firstly, I give a thumbs up and then wait for my sister to give me a High-5.

    She then responds and shows her small fang in the side of her mouth.

    Not really sure how to make a thumbs up, but it looks like I'm pointing my finger... The middle one...:eek:

    *Isolated on the 340th row*
    margaritte and Green_Mystery like this.
  16. Awesome.
  17. The chat isn't working at all for me, nobody is responding and there are a hundred people online
  18. Did you try /chat ? I did the same and didn't know how to turn chat on UNTIL I read the rules. xD

    Oh my gosh, thank you!
  19. i did do /chat, nobody responded except like 1 guy.
  20. Yeah, while I was building only 2 people other than myself had /chat on. And I kept getting this weird feeling that when we were all done they would come to life, step off their pedestals, and march off to take over the world. Anyways, here are pics of the completed Top-Secret.

    Screen shot 2012-04-15 at 4.25.11 PM.png Screen shot 2012-04-15 at 4.25.32 PM.png Screen shot 2012-04-15 at 4.25.43 PM.png
    AlexChance likes this.