smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. I did a quick fix of the shower in the desert bath house. Now you can take a fresh, cold shower after a day of wandering the desert wasteland. :D
    zulu9, Philovanrood and penfoldex like this.
  2. 4:30 PM CST
  3. Meeting now…
  4. Hey Guys,

    I was wondering How u Felt If I Set up an offical LLO Build team, obviously I will be leader but if you would like that let me know and I will set up a form with sign up sheet but they will be a expirey date
  5. What would the purpose of this build team be?
    zulu9, Philovanrood and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  6. Would anyone be interested in a mining town as part of the LLO?
  7. That could be cool, where would it be located?

    Also, are people still interested in progressing with the council idea? Are there any more queries regarding it?
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  8. Yes. Dividing the land. How are we doing that?
    Cchiarell6914 and Sunny_Chicken like this.
  9. We draw a line here, here and there :p
  10. People could suggest things to build or we could suggest things to build also help out with big projects
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  11. Like this?
  12. Woah
    penfoldex and Philovanrood like this.
  13. We don't really need a build team. People join in as they wish and we work as a community.
  14. That said, there is nothing stopping you from organizing build teams for your own projects. ;D This is a pretty libertarian venture out here. We're all just a bunch of Minecrafters Mincrafting together in close proximity. ;D
  15. I would suggest around here.

    As the LLO continues to grow, we must gather our resources further from the main action. It would be a pain to get rail to it, but we could rely on boats for transport as they now work better.
    Cchiarell6914 likes this.
  16. This. Exactly this. I mean, you could make a build club for enthusiastic builders if you want. No need for official stuff. Just ask on the thread if anyone wants to build anything with you and await responses. Basically what I did with the park.

    Go check out the park btw. It's looking nicer already. :D
  17. Or simply rework the entire nether portal system allowing one central portal area in the nether to take us to different parts of the LLO.
    zulu9 and Philovanrood like this.
  18. Or that. :D

    I've changed the spot to the jungle biome to the north, outside the wall.
    zulu9 likes this.
  19. penfoldex likes this.
  20. I've found both a spider and a zombie spawner near the camp. There seems to be a good amount of caves around too.

    *edit* Just found a skelly spawner
    Philovanrood, mba2012 and penfoldex like this.