I just noticed there wasn't a "Run away with your tail between your legs" option...I vote for that one...
*Ghostbusters themesong music* Who you gonna call? Hacker busters! When there's something bad, in the neighborhood, who you gonna call? JUSTIN GUY
I would just realize that minecraft is a vertuile world and if emc goes away i wont die. Im still trying to convince my self that
You can't convince yourself of that! EMC is the real world and the real world is just another computer simulation!
this is why justin is probably had/is making the server grief proof by cleaning the code up so it is hack proof so to all you hackers I say gl and be prepared to use all 400 proxies at once and still get nothing accomplished cause JUSTIN THE GUY is beast also JEREMY is pretty cool too
We'll cleaning code up actually makes it easier for the hackers because then they have to find the right code for the firewall than the prcess begins
I /stop the server and send my 10K creeper army against the hackers. Sadly, creeper armies cost about 1 million dollars. Sigh...
No one's going for the "Take advantage and get many rupees" option? C'mon, no one's THAT pure. 'Cept me.
Well, if this happened, first I would check Square 'cause well... they probably had no idea it existed. Then I would sit back for 10 minutes while Justin fixed everything (because everything is fixed in 10 minutes) and there would probably be some hilarious "EMC trolls you" thread shortly thereafter.
all you would would have to do is go into the server and disconnect the i.p from ever connecting to your server
There is something called proxies, and when ISP's provide Dynamic ip's the client can change the ip by just rebooting the modem/router. If no, everyone would simply /banip ...
Griefers don't just come saying "Im the griefer you just banned, i just changed my ip!!!" trust me, they dont.