So, youre a mod and youre trolling the chat to look for offenders.Its nighttime and the streets are clear. You check the website for updates and see the logo has been changed. It says "Empire MineCRASHED" And theres hacker propaganda all over the website. PVP is on, mod powers are gone, and mobs roam the streets. The hackers have inventory edit, fly, and speedhacks. What do you do?
No offense, but i would probably camp 10 thousand blocks out in the wild with a double chest full of cooked chicken, diamond armor, and tools. I would probably have no money but survive until the hackers die.
I would go into my bunker in my res and get out my supply shizzle I have for when this does happen/April fool and I will kill those little people and claim EMC my own!!! they realize that its best to let Justin run it
I would just wait for Justinguy to save the day With all those powers I don't think we could do much against the hackers. Better to disconnect and not fuel their trolling by fighting back. Just let it get fixed.
2 deal with hackers u do the opposite of what they think you're going to do instead of running, screaming, disconnecting, you just talk to them ask them wat they are doing
Step1: Dont panic! Step2: Press esc Step3: Hit the disconnect button Step4: Hit the exit button Step5: Turn off your computer Step6: Jump out of the window If you dont die please reconnect
Pfft just make them rage by telling them you love them on and you know they are good on the inside, gets them SO angry!
So, they will be so angry and ragin they won't notice JustinGuy coming back into control and IP banning them. They might ban me but Justin would be a kind soul and un-ban me.
Dig a big hole to the bottom of my res and stay there until its over might poke my head out a couple of times
I would wake up, because only in one's dreams could someone successfully do anything like that to EMC.