The Great Empirian War: SMP4

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by karatekick2001, Feb 10, 2015.

  1. Also, I have a fallout shelter built on smp8 already. I will be releasing more information about it soon. ;)
  2. Then why are you on smp4 all the time?
  3. Guess I need to build another bomb shelter...
    Bro_im_infinite likes this.
  4. Shhh, I'm spying on them ;)
  5. lmao "another"
  6. SMP4 let's go around smp9 and egg their houses
  7. I can get my engineers to build a couple thousand combustible lemons for SMP9 :)
  8. Think you can rustle up some chickens with tnt strapped to their backs?
  9. Buy if we are to discuss plans please pm eachother.
  10. Hehe... I am experienced in server destruction. I managed to survive many of nick5013's deadly lag attacks (making use of his evil MelonGrinderBot 2000) without even a scratch, and I once turned poor Fendy's 18200 museum into such a boiling mixture of lag and poor connection that Fendy and I couldn't reconnect in it until one of the server boots occurred about 10 minutes later! That was actually by accident, but we don't speak of that part. :p
    penfoldex likes this.
  11. Now all these Smp war things are getting crazy and out of hand! lolol
  12. Well I might love to defend my server but I'm making the smart decision and in other words count me out of this war.
  13. Let's make peace not war.
  14. This is EMC not Call of Duty let's make peace not war.