Way too much Stress in Town Chat!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by finch_rocks_1, Jan 18, 2015.


Is there a lot more drama in chat now?

Yes 38 vote(s) 86.4%
No 6 vote(s) 13.6%
  1. I'm always doing /staff and most of the time I only see Alexchance.
    finch_rocks_1 likes this.
  2. I think what happens by the weekends is that people are distressed over their work week, and when they come to EMC, they don't really think about what they're saying, like they would at work. Stress affects people at different levels than others.
    Honestly, I don't find my work weeks at school not stressful enough to disable my talents. I get my work done at appropriate times and prioritize it over activities, like playing video games (including Minecraft). When I do feel distressed, I'll try to relieve it without being rude to others.
    I have a thread on the EMC forums about stress if anyone wants to look at it.:)

  3. The weekends, is where most of the time you get more people playing just because no one is at work/school or any of the other stuff, the weekends should be much more fun because you can just relax, but it doesn't seem to be much like that any more, and if people get stressed or have any other problems, they should stay off video games, because that wouldn't help because you can get stressed even more, because maybe something you have just seen, best thing for it is, Just go for a walk and drink water, and have a rest.

    I will take a look at your thread.
  4. I do understand this situation

    If you ever wanna hang out with me I won't be rude to ya (might make a few jokes but not mean ones)
    Most of time I will be at my 1st or 2nd ;)
    finch_rocks_1 and BTHarrold98 like this.
  5. I don't know if it's me or what, but I can only see half of your signature?
  6. I'm working on getting that fixed
    finch_rocks_1 and BTHarrold98 like this.
  7. You must be on during the day when I am at work (like now) :)
  8. Its not just last night, it is every day-other day. I am usually on from 12pm to 12am. Sometimes off during classes, and sometimes i get on before 12pm. The times are all random. I also dont think there is a need to report when there are 1-2 staff on the seerver like last night. yet nothing is done, not even a mute to people that was calling people the R word.
  9. I'm on all day every day, apart from 3 days when I'm at college, and even then I'm still using forums.
  10. I dont suppose there is a option to mute players? or turn off town chat and just use pm's or supporter channel?
  11. To mute players, do /ignore [player name]
    To turn of town chat do: /chat hide town
    If you want to turn chat off completely do /ch off
    cowland123 likes this.
  12. well if i did mute people i would have almost every new person muted. As it is now, i have town, and supporter hidden, i dont need the local or res as i am over 100k in the wild working on the base for the next few days. I can still see PM's,
  13. I have to agree with town chat becoming a lot more stressful and filled with new players not following the rules, however as a shop owner I am always reluctant to hide it because it prevents me from being able to advertise specific items in my mall when new player x says "Who sells item y?".

    Having said that, in the past few weeks I have had to hide town chat on more than one occasion just because of the sheer amount of spam and people not following the chat rules. As a player, I like to help the new players out but when they throw your help back in your face it can be extremely annoying and rude, and is something I have come to terms with and try to deal with calmly.

    To be honest, I can't say that I really /report players for abusing town chat rules as much as I should, but I think if I start doing it more, along with other players, we may hopefully see a positive effect on town chat :)
    finch_rocks_1, L3A8 and EffinBatman like this.
  14. I have ignored about 20 people who mostly I can't even remember because they were all noobs who ended up banned or derelict.
    finch_rocks_1 and EffinBatman like this.
  15. We shouldn't have to do any of those thing's if the players get dealt with quicker.
    finch_rocks_1 and AnonReturns like this.
  16. Fun fact:
    Staff receive an in-game alert when a report was made and previous reports are taken into account when handling players. Any time i see these reports pop up and staff are on, it's claimed by a staff (sometimes they even race to it)

    /report is the BEST option even when a staff is online. It helps us by letting us know that someone is uncomfortable with the current chat/event taking place and that we need to take action. In addition, it goes on the player's record for us to make notes with. This helps us know that if playerxyz spammed the last 3 nights they have been on, it's time to take the punishment up a notch because it's obviously not getting through their thick skull. The mods are trained to act based on history. If you don't provide us with this log through /report, then it's likely that the punishments will stay as if we were warning them for the first time unless that mod recalls the incident. Not every mod can remember every person that was misbehaving so it also helps us communicate internally on what players are past our 'nice zone'.

    TLDR /report is the way to go regardless of if there are staff online. It helps us in the immediate and distant future.
  17. Yes, i think last night is the worst i have seen on smp6, and it always seems to be the same person trolling. He has been reported by me in the past for bullying and insulting others. Not only is this troll supposedly a full grown man but he is a man who attempts, and in most cases succeeds, in frustrating children, teenagers and some of us other adults, such as myself. Then he falls onto the "it was a joke" excuse, which as we know is the perfect excuse for trolls.

    Last night the word retard was apparently used, to which i was not present at the time(not to mention i have him on ignore), but had i read this interaction, you can be sure i would have reported those involved. What I am not understanding is why certain person(s), who is not a supporter, is being allowed to get away with numerous reports at the detriment of your supporters? Yes, each time i have reported this person it was dealt with, but is muting this player enough at this point? How many times and to what degree of separating ourselves such as ignoring chat, does it take before trouble makers are actually banned or put on a long term mute?

    Finch is extremely helpful and knowledgeable about the game, the server, and brings such beautiful creations as a long time supporter. I would be extremely concerned about her feelings and making sure someone like her feels she can still play happily as she has in the past without having to isolate herself from normal interactions because of a select few.
  18. Just want to throw something out there. Supporters are not treated any differently than other players, except possibly held to a higher standard due to how the younger crowd looks at a supporter with wide eyes.

    I can see how this troll can get away with things such as this. If enough people /ignore this guy, it makes the pool of players who can report him smaller and smaller. This is one reason that I personally never /ignore people who have proven to be trouble. I am not sure how Square works for a persons history, but IMO, Square should take into account how many people have /ignore'd a player. Less /report's of a player doesn't necessarily mean the player is behaving any better.
  19. finch is a "he" but otherwise I completely agree.
    Wiskycoo and finch_rocks_1 like this.
  20. A mod has been on SMP6 all day today and chat has been okay. If this is the work of staff then thanks !
    AnonReturns and finch_rocks_1 like this.