Name changing date announced!

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by nfell2009, Jan 12, 2015.

  1. No... you will keep your name and your alt's name! or you will parish!
    Scorpio528 and tuqueque like this.
  2. I figured out how to change your name before Mojang intended! (The 6 people that watched that video would know)
    607 and princebee like this.
  3. Not have any need to change the name, i thinked about it before i made one. but some users did something wrong or ... and the are very habby if the can change there name to something normal.

    So for people with names like p1234 its good. its not so nice if knows users get the idea to change it.
  4. I really dislike my user name.... Sounds real childish and I don't like it, I made this account when I was like 8 ish 9... Can't wait to change it, just don't no what to :p

    EDIT: I don't even like rainbows or pony's =P
  5. Can't wait to change my name...don't know what to but I'm sure I'll think of something (probably something really unoriginal)
    mba2012 likes this.
  6. I love my name. I REFUSE TO CHANGE!!! MWAHAHA!!!
    A Rose for Emily style XD
  7. xXxJakeBagbyDoesMinecraftxXx
    607, PandasEatRamen and samsimx like this.
  8. I'm certainly taking the numbers off my name :p
  9. If I changed my name at all, I would just capitalize the J in my name, because when I made this account, that was before I cared about capitalization and punctuation.
  10. Definitely changing mine.

    Assuming I can get the Mojang account migration to work... -~-
  11. Not gonna change my name, in fact I'm almost legally forced to keep the current name I have. :p All of my other accounts I have all revolve around the username 'FirstJugBurgerz' as well, so anyone wants to find me anywhere it won't be that hard. Plus it makes things easier to manage.
  12. I will probably capitalize my name and get rid of the numbers
  13. I'm changing my name to samsimx2 to confuse people
    colepuncher likes this.
  14. hahahahahahahahaha
  15. I'm changing mine to my cats name
  16. Jakebag.

  17. Do you really think that'll be possible?

    I'm really saddened by how many people want to change their name :(
  18. 72Volt for life, yo.

    Unless I do something awful and need rebranding.

    (Would've been useful after the lava wall incident, eh? :rolleyes:)
    607 likes this.
  19. If I did change my name, (and there's a 99% chance that I won't) it would be purely to shorten it a bit so that it can fit on a sign with some special stuff like color or italics.

    Most likely though, I'll just keep it, because this is what I'm known as to everyone (as much as they wish they could forget me), and it has sentimental value.
    607 likes this.