Official EMC Show Yourself Thread (2015 Edition)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krysyy, Jan 1, 2015.

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  1. My first post for this thread will be in roughly 22 days. In 22 days it will be my real birthday. :)
    Marktanion likes this.
  2. oh! umm, thank you! (///∇///)
  3. Hey, rainbows come in all different sizes, a little or a lot of rainbow is a good thing is what I'm thinkin'. :D
    Chespinlover77 likes this.
  4. SeruFaiya likes this.
  5. lol
    social hour
  6. Hey it's you! *waves more than crystaldragon*
    crystaldragon13 and SeruFaiya like this.
  7. it is me! :D
  8. Palmsugar likes this.
  9. Cadenman2002 this one for you buddy lol don't get hungry!!!
    P.S. I design these myself and the cake in the shape of a one is just from my teacher having the class work on the cake decorating skills mind you this was make in 2012-2013 school when I was a senior but ya don't get hungry!!!

  10. have you ever faced a camera before jus sayin
    melk73, PortalShoo2er and Lachlan61 like this.
  11. OMG the cake game is real. Very pretty cakes you have there :D
    roblikescake likes this.
  12. inb4 rob drooling
  13. A wild hayley appears! WB :)
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  14. I'll hopefully have a picture appearing within a few days to weeks :)
    I'll need to take it with OrangeDuck to take the focus off me though, so I don't look as bad :rolleyes:
    tedrocker likes this.
  15. LOL i was xD man aikar knows all the things! I was actually sent those pictures via pm before they were posted here and lets just say i slept well last night. Wait no i didn't i never went to bed :eek:
    Deadmaster98 likes this.
  16. umm yes i used to... i stopped a couple months ago XD
  17. Bought a new mic today in celebration of quitting my job lol

    Edit: Screw these headphones. I have an amazing Razer keyboard and mouse so I figured this would be great but after 5 minutes I hate it lol. Taking it back to Best Buy and going back to my Turtlebeach PLA's
  18. Tayle, selfie?
    Lachlan61 likes this.
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