mman2832's Christmas Giveaway

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Mman, Dec 14, 2014.

  1. signnn me up :D
  2. Me please :D
  3. Sign me up and happy holidays
  4. I wanna be entered thanks for this too! :)
  5. Please enter me and Thanks!!!
  6. Hehe :p I need those promo chests real bad :D
  7. Hey mman :D
    NathanRP likes this.
  8. Enchanting stuff? Count me in!
    Merry christmas everyone :)
  9. Enter me please... Also merry Christmas :3
  10. I think I'll move the cutoff to tomorrow afternoon sometime so last chance!
  11. Thanks for hosting this giveaway :)
  12. merry christmas
  13. The Promo Collector 2 doesn't sound too nice, but we'll see who's going to be it!
  14. Merry Christmas and thank you for the Giveaway! :D
  15. Ok im cutting it off here so anyone above this post has been entered, I'll announce the winners tomorrow
    Petero555 and 607 like this.
  16. And the winners are:
    1. To the Guy Who Likes Aggressive Mobs-
    2. To the Builder-btharrold98
    3. To the Miner-karatekicks2001
    4. To the Weapon Enchanter-ultimate_gg
    5. To the Fighter-kyle12cu1
    6. To the Promo Collector- Banditlm
    7. To the Promo Collector 2-naekal
    8. To the Sniper-crafter31211
    9. To the Gear Enchanter-epic0258
    10. To the Engineer-snow_freak
    11. To the Random Enchanter-high_jacker
    12. To the Guy Who Likes Passive Mobs-finch_rocks_1
  17. you can pick these up at 14006
  18. Aww, hope you guys enjoy it.
    607 likes this.
  19. Enjoy! Thanks, mman! :D