Hello Empirerererens! Right now on the 14006 museum I have set up 12 different Giant Presents. And who will be receiving these Presents? you may ask. Well you will of course! To enter Simply post anything in this Thread! On the 26th of December I will chose 12 different people to give these too, and don't worry if you get one you don't particularly like, Many of them have promos or rare items that don't necessarily relate to the theme. Themes: 1. To the Guy Who Likes Aggressive Mobs 2. To the Builder 3. To the Miner 4. To the Weapon Enchanter 5. To the Fighter 6. To the Promo Collector 7. To the Promo Collector 2 8. To the Sniper 9. To the Gear Enchanter 10. To the Engineer 11. To the Random Enchanter 12. To the Guy Who Likes Passive Mobs