Nice! I've had the Wacom Bamboo Tablet for a few years now and I love it. Speaking of art, I got a 3D pen. It's like a colored hot-glue gun that immediately hardens in the air in the shape of a pen, so you can draw 3-Dimensional art/sculptures.
A graphics tablet (which Im trying to figure out now haha), a normal tablet, a few books, a few games and a few clothes I'm very happy with my presents!
Wow, y'all got so much techy stuff... o.o Let's see, I got: fuzzy socks a new jacket (that didn't fit, lol) a necklace a pair of headphones (cheap ones to listen to music with) a blanket Then from my friends: lotions (so many ...) blackberry scented hand sanitizer <3 nail polish lip scrub hot cocoa SO MUCH CHOCOLATE jelly beans I guess you can tell that I'm a female I also got stuff from EMC Secret Santa and a giveaway. Hope everyone had an awesome Christmas!
I got toys and stuff Razor TM CrazyCart Dell Inspiron 15 5000 series: Specs? Processor: Intel Inside CORE 17 2TB Storage 16GB Ram and other stuff Perplexus ball thingy a wireless mouse and a gaming mousepad etc etc etc
I got xBox live Gold and I am so mad at lizard squad right now and why can't Microsoft take over them XD