Could you guys discuss these things about proxies somewhere else? I cant really understand what's the big discussion about them
I'm gonna add/delete some stuff from my code later. Also, im not gonna have CSS anytime soon, since I just finished half of the HTML course, far from the CSS part
CSS can be tricky, I definitely think it's more complicated than HTML. I'll update the code on the webhost whenever you're ready if you want. I think it's fun to see my work out on the internet personally. If you're interested, here is my website: It's wordpress but I did some custom alterations to the CSS and I use HTML in the individual pages when I embed photos and whatnot. Not a huge deal but it's nice to share. I don't update my site as often as I should though.
I finished that course this summer, CSS is actually a pretty easy concept to grasp as it goes hand-in-hand with HTML