Google Forms Update to Make Life Easier

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Krysyy, Dec 4, 2014.

  1. I submitted a Promo Form. Hope it is good enough to be implemented.:D
  2. um spawn is kinda crazy lol... if theres gonna be a christmas tree can we have a menorah just for hanukkah and the few people who celebrate it. (ik like 10 on smp5 :3)
    idk why i really want there to be a menorah and ik the answer will be something about how this is a christian server but like yeah :p
    also ima think of a promo for the promo thing.. ima show the shovels some love with this xD
  3. I haven't gone around yet, but all spawns will have a menorah, a santa's sleigh, a few reindeer and maybe a snowman or two. The trees were Bigdavie being less of a procrastinator than I.
  4. yes! after my 2 years here i finally get a menorah :3
  5. I made them last year too :confused: (though maybe I missed your smp)
    Lilyrox55 likes this.
  6. So we'll celebrate both American "christmas" and hanukkah, but no real christmas? :confused:
    The real Christ probably doesn't need representation in the form of decoration anyway though, so I don't mind :)

  7. I don't see a difference between these. We try our best to incorporate aspects from all cultures around this time, though things like Christmas trees, santa, snowman, etc tend to show up more frequently. If you have a suggestion for something I can put up to meet your decoration preferences, please send me a message =)
    607 likes this.
  8. Don't worry, I'm actually quite happy with what you're doing here :)
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  9. Probably xD