Calling all miniboss hunters!

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by karatekick2001, Nov 6, 2014.

  1. i think u should use to choose smp3 smp4 or smp5
  2. Killed momentus last week, just south of SMP4 waste center spawn. It spawned not long after i was portal-ed from nether. (never knew till that day, that waste overworld to nether ratio is 1:1) :D
  3. ahh i see i have picked smp4 as a good candidate
  4. Only seen momentus, once it killed me and all my stuff despawned, once I killed it and uhh... bam, I also believe I recalled some sort of boss that spawned in a place me and chin were trying to get to... but idk... never seen a marlix besides MA
  5. Well it seems that SMP4 is a favorite, so I'll find a spot there too. We can decide which one we want to go to tomorrow.
  6. Er...I can't really find a good spot for the hunt on SMP4, does anyone else want to take a look at it? I'm going to just set up a base on SMP2 if no one responds, if that's fine with everyone. Can everybody be on SMP2, or do we have to do SMP4? Also, would Mr_Zulus and NoahMarcusWhite like to join?
  7. Sending it all into a PM to all hunters right now :)
  8. PM has been sent.